Not that anyone notices, not that anyone cares. But I changed the name of the main blog.
It was most recently called: I Have No Idea What I Will Post Next and Neither Will You. Because we may not have quality in this blog but I hope we can least deliver some variety.
Before that it was called Twisted Thoughts on an Already Twisted World. Where I take a crazy issue then look at it from an even crazier point of view.
Before that it was a very simple creed I hope I live by: I Hate Being Cliche. This blog will take chances and may not always connect but I hope it's never predictable.
A title I considered a while back but never used was Diary of a Madman. I know it would have been truth in advertising except that it was already taken.
How did I decide on the latest title? Heck, how do I make any decisions? Well, I will go through that process if you can indeed call it that.
It all started when a certain phrase impacted me listening to this man's radio show:

The phrase that Scott used " Misdirected though it might be" mildly struck me at the time. As you can tell, we have two things in common. First is our hair style. Secondly our default setting of using self depreciating humor.
For my early musings on why I write what I write you can go straight to my main home page.
related links:
http://www.amazon.com/Diary-Madman-Stories-Penguin-Classics/dp/0140442731 http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechfieldofdreams.html
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0506/03/pzn.01.html http://www.entertonement.com/clips/mwyrvtsqxw--Star-Wars-Episode-IV-A-New-Hope-Carrie-Fisher-James-Earl-Jones-Darth-Vader-You-are-part-of-the-Rebel-Alliance-and-a-traitor http://espn.go.com/espnradio/show?showId=scottvanpelt2009
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