Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Should Be Ashamed

I should be ashamed

Back on July 6 I wrote this article:


At no time do I profess to know everything. That's why I read people who speak to me. Once in a while these people show the error in my ways.

Peter King is a football writer who writes for Sports Illustrated. But for years in addition to what he finds out about the world of NFL football he makes it a habit to write about things that impact him. I have to admit his candidness has influenced my writing from time to time. Today I read this.


d. "Joey Chestnut Wins Hot-Dog Eating Contest.'' Whoever at ESPN thought of

televising the Fourth of July contest from Coney Island and giving it some form

of sporting glory ought to not only be fired but also sent to a class for

education on world hunger. Here's a stat for you, according to world hunger

organization Bread For The World: One in seven people on earth suffer from

severe hunger daily. That's 963 MILLION people. The ratings suggest we are all

guilty of promoting this grotesque custom. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves

for giving ESPN reason for showing this.

With that one paragraph , he gives me a time to reflect and to be ashamed. To count my blessings and to feel bad for people that do not have the way I have. I have done wrong by them in my aim to amuse you. All this from a football writer.

Always keep your eyes and ears and open because you never know when and where the next inspirational nugget will come from.




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