Friday, July 31, 2009
Come Together Right Now Over Me
The Johnnys or The Johnnies.
My cousins singing.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bothered By Baby Dismemberment Case?

Otty Sanchez pictured above sliced up poor little Scott Wesley Buchholz-Sanchez ten days after this picture was taken. Chopped off his head. She used a steak knife and two swords.
Horrified? I am. This happened July 26, 2009. What people who arrived at the scene of this terrible act was described the baby as "dismembered in a scene so gruesome that police were left shaken."
Are you less horrified with these incidents?
- " suction and cutting edge dismember the baby while the hose sucks the body parts into a collection bottle."
- "loop shaped knife to cut the baby into pieces "
- "grabs the baby's feet with a forceps and pulls the baby out....then jams a pair of scissors into the back of the baby's head and spreads the scissors apart to make a hole in the baby's skull. "
- "The baby's head must be crushed in order to remove it because the skull bone has hardened by this stage in the baby's growth."
Are those phrases any less horrific?? But it happens all the time. And people worship people that vigorously encourage this practice.
Calling the babies "fetuses" is such a lame ass way of hiding what's really happening when an abortion happens.
If you are uncomfortable? Good! What kind of mother would sanction this? What kind of doctor who you would presume would protect life, perform this the same way a mechanic performs an oil change.
A long time pro life friend of mine related to me today how the evils of abortion were explained to me:
"when he explained that it's (abortion) worse than shooting and killing an innocent person on the street. It's worse than knifing a mother and her 5-year old. It's even worse than suffocating a baby in a crib. Why? Because even the baby in the crib, while it can't really fight back, has some defense mechanism: it can at least cry for help."
People feel differently about abortion but facts are facts. Premature babies are disposed of with the techniques described in this blog entry. Just because you do not see their bodies or hear their screams or even know a name to call them does not make it less horrifying than what happened to little 3 week old Scott Wesley Sanchez. What happens in an abortion is no more humane than what that sick woman Otty Sanchez did to little Scott Wesley. Otty obviously needed help. People who knowingly endorse this sick practice need it more.
The following pictures I got from
There is no way you can be disturbed by Ginzu Mama and not be disturbed by this. And it so routine! These are human limbs folks. Not fetus parts or whatever. There are millions of Scott Wesleys that routinely happen all the time and by doing nothing we are accountable.

The following pictures are found in
these are tools used to mutilate the beings we will know as babies.

This abortion instrument was used to crush
the baby's skull so as to allow the extraction.

This abortion instrument's purpose was to hold the baby's head with
the spiked ends. Once the head was held, a long thin probe was
pushed deep into the skull like a sword. The instrument held the baby's head, so once it was cut off, it would not float around in the uterus.

This instrument is used to cut off the head, arms and legs.

This abortion tool is used to crush, grasp, and pull the child's body apart.
There are plenty more where this came from . Click here It's truly a gruesome display.
Damn liberals raise a stink over water boarding terrorists (which does not kill) but they will protect this practice to their core?? What kind of world do we live in???
Ed (again )
Methods of Abortion
by ALL (American Life League)
Released October 5, 2005
There are three abortion classifications—surgical abortion, medical abortion, and chemical abortion. They are defined as follows:
* Surgical abortion: These are abortions that involve an invasive procedure. Major types of surgical abortions include:
o Suction aspiration: This is the procedure most often used in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first three months). The abortionist inserts a suction tube (similar to a vacuum hose with an extremely sharp end) into the mother's womb. The suction and cutting edge dismember the baby while the hose sucks the body parts into a collection bottle.
o Dilation and curettage (D&C): In this procedure, the abortionist uses a loop shaped knife to cut the baby into pieces and scrape the uterine wall. The baby's body parts are then removed and checked to make sure that no pieces were left in the mother's womb.
o Dilation and extraction (also known as D&X or partial-birth abortion): Used to kill babies well into the third trimester (as late as 32 weeks old), the abortionist reaches into the mother's womb, grabs the baby's feet with a forceps and pulls the baby out of the mother, except for the head. The abortionist then jams a pair of scissors into the back of the baby's head and spreads the scissors apart to make a hole in the baby's skull. The abortionist removes the scissors and sticks a suction tube into the skull to suck the baby's brain out. The forceps are then used to crush the baby's head and the abortionist pulls the baby's body out the rest of the way.
o Dilation and evacuation (D&E): This form of abortion is used to kill babies in the second trimester (24+ weeks). The abortionist uses a forceps to grab parts of the baby (arms and legs) and then tears the baby apart. The baby's head must be crushed in order to remove it because the skull bone has hardened by this stage in the baby's growth.
o Hysterotomy: Performed in the third trimester, this is basically an abortive Cesarean section (C-section). The abortionist makes in an incision in the mother's abdomen and removes the baby. The baby is then either placed to the side to die or is killed by the abortionist or nurse.
* Medical abortions: These are abortions that involve the administration of drug specifically intended to abort the child. Common drugs used for medical abortions include:
o Mifepristone (RU-486): Mifepristone blocks the hormone that helps develop the lining of the uterus during pregnancy (progesterone). This lining is the source of nutrition and protection for the developing baby. The tiny boy or girl is starved to death and then a second drug, misoprostol, causes contractions so that the dead baby is expelled from the womb.
o Methotrexate: this highly toxic chemical directly attacks and breaks down the baby's fast-growing cells. It also attacks the life-support systems the baby needs to survive. When the systems fail, the baby dies. Misoprostol is then used to cause contractions and push the dead baby out of the womb.
o Salt poisoning: This technique is used in the second and third trimester. The abortionist sticks a long needle into the mother's womb. The needle contains salt which is then injected into the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby breathes in, swallows the salt and dies from salt poisoning, dehydration, brain hemorrhage and convulsions. Taking nearly an hour to die, the baby's skin is completely burned, turns red and deteriorates. The baby is in pain the entire time. The mother goes into labor 24 - 48 hours later and delivers a dead baby.
o Prostaglandins: Used during the second and third trimester, prostaglandin abortions involve the injection of naturally produced hormones into the amniotic sac, causing violent premature labor. During these convulsions the baby is often crushed to death or is born too early to have any chance of surviving.
* Chemical abortions: These are abortions caused by drugs that, at least some of the time, prevent the implantation of the already-created baby in the uterine lining. Some of the more popular methods of birth control that can be responsible for the deaths of newly-created children are:
o The Ortho-Evra® birth control patch works by suppressing gonadotropins, which may inhibit ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the uterus and change the lining of the uterus thereby preventing the implantation of the newly-formed human (Physicians' Desk Reference. 60 ed. Montvale, NJ: Thompson PDR; 2006. 2402).
oThe NuvaRing® vaginal ring works by suppressing gonadotropins, which may inhibit ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the uterus and change the endometrium thereby preventing the implantation of the newly-formed human (PDR. 2357).
o Depo-Provera® Contraceptive Injection, when administered at the recommended dose to women every 3 months, inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins which, in turn, prevents follicular maturation and ovulation and results in endometrium thinning. These actions produce its contraceptive effect (PDR 2620).
Plan B® is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by preventing ovulation or fertilization, by altering the tubal transport of sperm and/or ova. In addition, it may inhibit implantation by altering the endometrium (PDR 1068).
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Review of Pre Season Baseball Questions
Back before the beginning of the 2009 baseball season I posted several questions that helped me be excited about what the season will bring.
http ://
The following in red is what has transpired so far but we have almost half a season left and they will be reviewed when I get around to it.The original questions below in a different color.
1. Hanley Ramirez . Leads his position (in the NL) in batting average, RBI. 15. he has 15 HR for a middle infielder and that is great.
2. New York Mets. Season is a disaster. Between the front office "gurus" and injuries to key players. There was also this notable game I happen to be watching.
3. AL EAST as of this writing NYY leading Boston Red Sox by 2.5 games. Tampa by 7.5 . Toronto by a dozen and Baltimore by a lot.
4. Tampa had the lead to themselves almost all year last year. They still seem capable of making a charge.
5. Bill Simmons seems to think the genius tag should be removed from Billy Beane. A's just dealt their bargaining chip and are 17 games out.
6. Angels leading the division despite early season tragedy and injuries to the rest of the rotation.
7. Manny is just being Manny or a little bit worse.
8. Cubs recently took the lead in the NL Central.
- Will the Mets acquisition of solid 8th and 9th inning guys be enough to avoid the late season collapses that plagued them the previous years? They already have ace Santana.
- How do the Orioles and Blue Jays feel every time people bring up the intense "three" way race in the AL East? Will that snub propel them to be factors where people are only considering the Yankees, Red Sox and Tampa Bay as occupants of the division?
- Speaking of those pesky Rays. Everything I heard last year hinted that Joe Maddon's boys are supposed to come into their own this year.Meaning what we saw last year in the World Series was not even the finished product. Then why are many picking them to finish as a Wild Card or out of the playoffs? Yankees spend a lot of money but on chem lab experiments.
- Ever heard of Hanley Ramirez? Some people think he is the most talented player in baseball.
- Is this the year the Moneyball A's catch up with the perennial division winner Angels in the AL West? The good news is that the A's have players you would recognize. the bad news, they all hit their primes about 5 years ago.
- A lot of analysts I listen to pick my Cincinnati Reds to surprise some people. It's talk like that , that makes me nervous. Will they tease us till the All Star Break before the wheels the come like we are used to the last few years.
- Is it third time lucky for Lou Pinella's boys the Cubs? Or are is the weight of the 101 year old curse too much to bear?
- Everybody assumes that super brat Manny Ramirez is all the Dodgers need to cement the NL West. But pitching is more crucial and it seems like the Giants have the advantage there. Will it be enough to reverse the "foregone conclusion"? & nbsp;
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I Should Be Ashamed
Back on July 6 I wrote this article:|
At no time do I profess to know everything. That's why I read people who speak to me. Once in a while these people show the error in my ways.
Peter King is a football writer who writes for Sports Illustrated. But for years in addition to what he finds out about the world of NFL football he makes it a habit to write about things that impact him. I have to admit his candidness has influenced my writing from time to time. Today I read this.
d. "Joey Chestnut Wins Hot-Dog Eating Contest.'' Whoever at ESPN thought of
televising the Fourth of July contest from Coney Island and giving it some form
of sporting glory ought to not only be fired but also sent to a class for
education on world hunger. Here's a stat for you, according to world hunger
organization Bread For The World: One in seven people on earth suffer from
severe hunger daily. That's 963 MILLION people. The ratings suggest we are all
guilty of promoting this grotesque custom. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves
for giving ESPN reason for showing this.
With that one paragraph , he gives me a time to reflect and to be ashamed. To count my blessings and to feel bad for people that do not have the way I have. I have done wrong by them in my aim to amuse you. All this from a football writer.
Always keep your eyes and ears and open because you never know when and where the next inspirational nugget will come from.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I Believe The Children Are Our Future Teach Them Well And Let Them Lead The Way

"I believe the children are our are future, teach them well and let them lead the way "- George Benson
I don't like that song but the words fit . Tonight. I was checking my Multiply inbox and ran into this Multiply Note. Which is Multiply's equivalent of a 'Tweet' or what is generically known as a micro blog.
" people that watch the SONA clap a lot. right after she says stuff."
This came from a young person who is a contact of one of my contacts. Those of you who know me might notice a paradox that lies within. Ask me in person what's up and you will be lucky to get three words. I see a thought in my network from someone I don't even know and it produces this response:
Hope you don't mind my reaction. I was not watching it (State of the Nation speech) . I was at work but what you have to know is in this country, politics is defined as helping yourself while giving the illusion you are serving others. I may not be your lola's age but it's been a long time since I could see a speech the way you are seeing it now. Welcome to the world of partisan politics. There is a lot of blind loyalty and that is the clapping that you hear. I will tell you something and I will be so happy if someone out there can prove me wrong. I do not see big boy politics as a game played by someone with a good heart. There is just so much darkness that politicians have to do and deal with that to get there they have to be dark themselves. Best get educated about this stuff early since the better informed your generation is , the more hope I can see for this place.
But who am I to talk? My generation contributed to the way things are now.
A Tale of Two Speeches

There were two eagerly awaited speeches delivered today. For reading my Multiply blog you get to vote which is more relevant? Which is more truthful? Which has the least hot air?
You may not have heard either speech but I am putting them to a vote for a reason.
If you do not know the difference between the two speeches here is my summary:
One speech was delivered by a proud, boastful, arrogant person who loves hotdogging whenever the cameras are on. The other speech was delivered by a baseball player.
Should you wish some insight to this totally vital question for society I provide you links.

1.President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

2. Rickey Henderson. Former Oakland Athletic, New York Yankee, Toronto Blue Blue Jay etc.;_ylt=AloL.NMnp3kZAcu0Y0dhwzk5nYcB?slug=jp-rickey072609&prov=yhoo&type=lgns
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Follow Up on the Slain Parents of the Special Needs Kids
If you know this story or you read Part 1, this couple were such givers. They had such good hearts. In a blink they were gone. Then what do you have? From what I see here, we have a daughter that they were able to instill enough of their values to give these special kids another chance. There are more thoughts on this but I will let the news report do the talking for now. Ed
If you can not see the video screen please click here.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Most Famous Circumciser in Our Country

By now you know my strategy. 1) I show you the best people who you may not be aware of to give you an example what to do. 2) I show you the worst people who you may not be aware of to give you an example what not to do. 3) Whenever possible I provide video/ audio to make the augment the impact of reading this stuff. 4) I hope I get you thinking a lot of what could be, what might be. Then you are so deep in though you forget I am so mediocre. I apologize for the title but it's true. I doubt anyone who does not follow college football really understands what kind of scrutiny and pressure comes with being THE quarterback in a big time school. Sometimes all that attention and praise brings about a sense of entitlement in an individual. NOT this guy. I won't give you too much writing today. Just click the links in different colored print in the teasers below. : In this blog article I am giving you the chance to hear him talk about it. MP 3 Attachment is below in multiply or click here.
Find out how he should have been aborted Click
Find out how yesterday a reporter asked him if he was a virgin and how he handled himself, Click
Listen to how ESPN talks about him and hear him interviewed by Dan Patrick below in Multiply or Click
Find out how he insists on talking to prisoners in death row (about to be executed ) and why he does it. Click
Find out how some Filipinos who don't know anything about football pretend to know just to suck up. Click ex. grab headlines???
And of course the circumcisions which is just part of his overall outreach Click
No matter how you slice it. The example of Tim Tebow and Myron Rolle are stories you should tell your kids how good human beings can be. Just don't tell them it was I who told you.

Friday, July 24, 2009
Mike Vick and the Basis For Strategy with Text this time
Dog Fighting The NFL and Frameworks
Dog Fighting, The NFL and Frameworks
Combining my two loves. NFL Football and my current Monday Night Strategic Management Class.
In a continent that has the most big time sports choices, the NFL is #1. Roger Goodell was handed the keys to the Kingdom and he intends not to see anything erode.
In the next little while Goodell has to face the problem of dealing with ex convict Michael Vick. An individual who is as troubled as he is gifted. The question has been lingering around for a while: what to do with Mr. Vick now that he has paid his debt to society and served his two year prison term. All individuals have the right to earn an living.
Goodell is the commissioner of the entity known as the National Football League. His duty is to preserve and advance the popularity, relevance and profitability of the league as a whole.
Threats and Opportunities to the Industry. The economy affects most industries. Specially an entertainment driven one. Fortunately for the NFL. since it's appeal goes beyond the local communities , TV revenues are far more significant to the bottom line than ticket sales. To attract and maintain sponsors then the product (Goodell's league) has to project the proper image that advertisers will feel comfortable with. The economic downturn has brought with it less advertising revenue to go around in terms of mass media.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Corporation. Any industry has it's proportionate percentage of people who stray from the law abiding norm. So professional athletes are no different from doctors, engineers and cab drivers. Unfortunately when a doctor in Wichita, Kansas is caught driving while impaired , it may not even be a blip in the 6 o clock Wichita news. If an NFL benchwarmer gets caught in Green Bay, Wisconsin with the same offense, then its talked about in the dozens of sports talks shows that dot the continent.
Another weakness of the corporation is what I like to call the Anti Velcro effect. Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson can have high profile DUI arrests and I doubt it would affect the movie industry in terms of overall revenue. But Tank Johnson formerly of the Chicago Bears can get a DUI and it has ramifications for the entire league.
When I say entire league that means from the Seattle Seahawks to the Jacksonville Jaguars and all points in between.
Strengths of the League-
a) plays well on TV
b) Rozzelle and Tagliabue's work paved the way
c) long term relationships with charity.
Values of the implementers- Commissioner is in place because ultimately he serves the interest of the 32 NFL owners. The owners I assume care about revenue streams and the value of their investment appreciating. Make sure you listen to the MP 3 below of former Baseball Commissioner Faye Vincent trying to put himself in Roger Goodell's shoes. I really find such perspective enlightening.
Broader Expectations of Society- This I feel impacts this case. Many people have already made up their minds on PETA one way or the other. I suspect that the circle around with signs division of PETA will target any NFL facility that will house Michael Vick whether it be a practice field or a game stadium. In the shrinking economy does the NFL as a league need this baggage?
You can make the argument that Vick has a right to make a living. But to quote Wrath of Khan, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. By taking Vick back the risk goes out to every NFL franchise whether they sign him or not. Each franchise employs 53 players. Protecting the league's image is a priority. A few years ago David Stern made a rule that players on road trips can not dress like they were headed to a gang war. Some called it racial. I call it smart if you intend on attracting sponsors. If you want to go duke it out with the Jets and the Sharks then OK wear what you want.
What is lost in all this , is that Vick was a tough nut to crack when all this started to unravel. he did not cooperate with the Atlanta Falcons, the NFL and the FBI. This guy was already a troubled child with the water bottle incident and the Ron Mexico incident. I don't know if a get out of jail card and straight into the arms of an NFL team sends the right message to the rest of the league.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the basis for a decision but it was fun to put together. You might have an idea what Roger Goodell has to face. What goes into a decision. Plus his small army of investigators and advisers will have more information than this. I just thought it would be a good way of rationalizing writing this piece as practice and procrastination for my major paper.Lots of gray area so helpful to look at it through a framework.
Ed (sentence) (Ron MExico) (airport) (lying list)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Bride Speaks Part 3
In case you are following saga. The links are above to Parts 1 and 2. In Part 2 we heard from the groom. In Part 3 we will see and hear from the Bride. And you can make up your own mind. I actually have a Part 4 planned but there is just so much stuff to post now.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Mike Vick and the Basis For Strategy
Dog Fighting The NFL and Frameworks
Combining my two loves. NFL Football and my current Monday Night Strategic Management Class.
In a continent that has the most big time sports choices, the NFL is #1. Roger Goodell was handed the keys to the Kingdom and he intends not to see anything erode.
In the next little while Goodell has to face the problem of dealing with ex convict Michael Vick. An individual who is as troubled as he is gifted. The question has been lingering around for a while: what to do with Mr. Vick now that he has paid his debt to society and served his two year prison term. All individuals have the right to earn an living.
Goodell is the commissioner of the entity known as the National Football League. His duty is to preserve and advance the popularity, relevance and profitability of the league as a whole.
Threats and Opportunities to the Industry. The economy affects most industries. Specially an entertainment driven one. Fortunately for the NFL. since it's appeal goes beyond the local communities , TV revenues are far more significant to the bottom line than ticket sales. To attract and maintain sponsors then the product (Goodell's league) has to project the proper image that advertisers will feel comfortable with. The economic downturn has brought with it less advertising revenue to go around in terms of mass media.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Corporation. Any industry has it's proportionate percentage of people who stray from the law abiding norm. So professional athletes are no different from doctors, engineers and cab drivers. Unfortunately when a doctor in Wichita, Kansas is caught driving while impaired , it may not even be a blip in the 6 o clock Wichita news. If an NFL benchwarmer gets caught in Green Bay, Wisconsin with the same offense, then its talked about in the dozens of sports talks shows that dot the continent.
Another weakness of the corporation is what I like to call the Anti Velcro effect. Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson can have high profile DUI arrests and I doubt it would affect the movie industry in terms of overall revenue. But Tank Johnson formerly of the Chicago Bears can get a DUI and it has ramifications for the entire league.
When I say entire league that means from the Seattle Seahawks to the Jacksonville Jaguars and all points in between.
Strengths of the League-
a) plays well on TV
b) Rozzelle and Tagliabue's work paved the way
c) long term relationships with charity.
Values of the implementers- Commissioner is in place because ultimately he serves the interest of the 32 NFL owners. The owners I assume care about revenue streams and the value of their investment appreciating. Make sure you listen to the MP 3 below of former Baseball Commissioner Faye Vincent trying to put himself in Roger Goodell's shoes. I really find such perspective enlightening.
Broader Expectations of Society- This I feel impacts this case. Many people have already made up their minds on PETA one way or the other. I suspect that the circle around with signs division of PETA will target any NFL facility that will house Michael Vick whether it be a practice field or a game stadium. In the shrinking economy does the NFL as a league need this baggage?
You can make the argument that Vick has a right to make a living. But to quote Wrath of Khan, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. By taking Vick back the risk goes out to every NFL franchise whether they sign him or not. Each franchise employs 53 players. Protecting the league's image is a priority. A few years ago David Stern made a rule that players on road trips can not dress like they were headed to a gang war. Some called it racial. I call it smart if you intend on attracting sponsors. If you want to go duke it out with the Jets and the Sharks then OK wear what you want.
What is lost in all this , is that Vick was a tough nut to crack when all this started to unravel. he did not cooperate with the Atlanta Falcons, the NFL and the FBI. This guy was already a troubled child with the water bottle incident and the Ron Mexico incident. I don't know if a get out of jail card and straight into the arms of an NFL team sends the right message to the rest of the league.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the basis for a decision but it was fun to put together. You might have an idea what Roger Goodell has to face. What goes into a decision. Plus his small army of investigators and advisers will have more information than this. I just thought it would be a good way of rationalizing writing this piece as practice and procrastination for my major paper.Lots of gray area so helpful to look at it through a framework.
Ed (sentence) (Ron MExico) (airport) (lying list)
Monday, July 20, 2009
#2 Got More Cheers Than #1
This will only interest fans of golf and fans of fossils. Since I am a fan of the latter, I will spend a few minutes on this. Tom Watson almost won one of golf's four major tournaments at age 59. Yes, one below 60. I am not a golf expert But two points I don't want to hear:
1) Cause Tiger was not in it- well he did not make cut. He flew all the way there only to be sent packing after two days of playing. He had his chance.
2) Golf can't be a sport if a 59 year old can come close to winning. - Golf is not about bashing the ball. Golf is about finding the balance between bash and purposeful trajectory. If a 59 year old with all that experience can play 72 holes as well as the best players in the world then so be it. Anybody who legitimately qualifies for this tournament and does not step on the course to win should not be there. I heard from his friend Andy North that Tom really was there to win/. Who are we to downgrade that?
Golf is such a gentleman's game. Read the story. Stewart Cink the winner felt bad for snatching victory from the overwhelming sentimental favorite. How often do you read that??
No matter what , one of the best feel good sports stories of the year in my opinion.
Tags: golf, tom watson, british open, feel good, geriatric, second place.
Best Bruce Willis Role?
Hart's War (2002) .... Col. William A. McNamara
Unbreakable (2000) .... David Dunn
The Whole Nine Yards (2000) .... Jimmy 'The Tulip' Tudeski
Armageddon (1998/I) .... Harry S. Stamper
Look Who's Talking (1989) (voice) .... Mikey
John McLean in Die Hard?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Great 5 Minute Cronkite Summation
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Tragedy of the Death of Steve McNair

For those of you who do not know this story. Steve McNair was shot and killed in his sleep. The police ruled that his girl friend was the shooter who was found dead on the scene. What a lot of people who are just football observers like myself find is no one suspected he would end up like this. He was always there for his team and his community. Never heard anything bad about the guy. He gave a lot of himself to charity. He played in pain most of his career.
Still to leave this earth the way he did. He was a 36 year old who had a 20 year old girl friend. He had a wife and 4 kids who survived him. If a divorce was imminent, there seemed to be no papers declaring such.
The question is should you only remember the good? The problem is the bad is what lead to his death. Grey areas are what make discussions go and I have a few here. Click the links.Although I liked listening to Jeff and Steven debate this topic on their NFL show. Attachment provided in Multiply. Click here.
Tags: Steve McNair, murder, death, NFL;_ylt=Arw5lNRKj4HiQR_tAbfv.OVDubYF?slug=jc-mcnairmemorial070909&prov=yhoo&type=lgns
Bob Crane ( similar story)
Senseless Senseless Meeting of Really Good People and Really Bad People

Senseless Senseless Meeting of Really Good People and Really Bad People
Based on what you will see in the video Byrd and Melanie Billings were people you were glad you were sharing the planet with. It all went wrong when it was ended by people who are their total polar opposites. All I can say is , I can not comprehend it and maybe you can not either. Just pray since so many things do not make sense in an earthly fashion.
Tags: adoptive parents, murder, disabled, senseless
Friday, July 17, 2009
There Can Only Be One Thor
If you have not heard . Natalie Portman has signed on to play Jane Foster in the big screen adaptation of the comic Thor. (story below)
Everybody loves to comment about casting of a preexisting story and I am no different. Let's review.
Natalie Portman
will play
Jane Foster
Chris Hemsworth
has been tapped to play Thor (Title character)
I Object!!!!!!!
There is a man who walks among us who was born to play Thor. Someone who exudes the aura of a true Norse God. One who will not play Thor but is Thor. Ladies and Gentlemen I bring you:
Natalie Portman joins the cast of 'Thor'
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Star Wars co-star Natalie Portman is storming back into action films with a role in the comic-book adaptation Thor.
The 28-year-old Portman has been cast as Jane Foster, who was a nurse and first love of the title character in the Marvel Comics. According to Marvel Studios, the character is being updated for the movie version of Thor, in which the Norse warrior is cast down to Earth to live among humans.
Chris Hemsworth stars as Thor in the movie, which begins shooting early next year. It is due in theaters May 20, 2011. Kenneth Branagh is directing Thor.
The movie is part of an ambitious schedule for Marvel Studios, including Iron Man 2, The First Avenger: Captain America and The Avengers.
The Groom Who Skipped Speaks
Since I already got the ball rolling. I feel it is my obligation to let the man speak for himself. Apparently a lot of the stuff in the sources I used yesterday are not true. This actually goes on for about 20 minutes and it's a good listen if you like seeing several sides to a story. Specially if one of those sides is sensationalist tabloid 'journalism'. Lesson learned here for me is to always consider your source. At least when you listen to him , you can judge for yourself if he is sincere or what. Not sure about you guys but I learned something listening to him.
Richard answers charges of all the spending accusations and the gay allegations.I highly recommend the 24 minute dialogue for anyone who cares about human nature, cold feet, marriage, divorce, complications of weddings.
The full 40 minutes of that show without commercials available from Dan Patrick CNNSI website Dan Patrick Hour 2 Dated July 16
For those who do not see mp3 attachment please click here.
God Wants You To Know Facebook Applications
God Wants You To Know Facebook Applications
Many of you who have read me regularly know my beefs with Facebook. It's all about poking and applications and canned quizzes. My opinion is self expression takes talent and effort and not applications. I'm sorry but the application "Which Boyzone member are you?" makes me question the entire on line social networking genre. Let me focus on a particular application the "God Wants You to Know" application. I do very few Facebook applications if any. This one says click here and Read Your Message From God. It's a pretty tall order for a Facebook application. Then whatever it is , it has to be spread to your contacts. (click on the picture above to see the full pic)
My Strategic Management teacher says the same thing over and over again because it's true. There is no such thing as a new need. Products will change but needs will not. If you want to listen to God do the same things people have been doing for centuries. Go to a service, read the Bible or Holy Book of your faith and pray. I don't need an on line application claiming to SPEAK for God. Some you might recall that I was mistaken for God two weeks ago. Believe me, I am not him or her. Let's review the Ten Commandments shall we? Or at the least the first two.
1. I am the LORD your God, you shall have no other gods before me.
2, You shall not take the Name of the LORD your God in vain.
I don't know about you guys but if you just meditate on the spirit of those two Commandments, you may have an issue with an html application claiming God wants you to hear something it will tell you. Maybe the message is based on something good but to claim to speak for God other than direct reference to Scripture is something else. People want to declare or rejoice in their faith fine. I just don't understand these things that claim to speak FOR God.
My suggestion for those who want to spread their faith is add a bit of ' you' into it. Something that Facebook does not seem to excel in. Which might explain it's popularity. Since it's all clicks and applications. Take a religious passage or subject you might like then expound it. Research on line and find (ghast) points of view different from yours. Justify your point of view and add experience.
So instead of this canned experience not unlike (double negative) opening a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant, what you are doing is internalizing the Word then passing part of yourself and part of your comprehension on. But that takes a bit of work and time and thought. There is the gotcha.
Just my opinion. And it was not generated by a Facebook application.