Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I swear this is the one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. Back in the early nineties my friend Greg was a baseball announcer in the Canadian town of Lethbridge , Alberta.

He was given the starting lineup of the visiting team and he was told that a player was the nephew of Roger Craig.

Roger Craig was the manager of the San Francisco Giants at the time.

I just remember the basic story and have to fill in some minor details . So I imagined the lineup announcement went something like this. "Starting at left field for the Tornadoes nephew of SF Giants manager Roger Craig, Alan Craig!!!" .

You know the expression nothing ever goes as planned? Well the player comes out and he is black. I don't blame Greg for making the assumption since he is a worse encyclopedia than I am. He was part of a baseball team so he bridged the natural gap. Connected the dots.

You see. The Bay Area had another Roger Craig at the time as in the running back for the SF 49ers.

That team should hire a better publicist.


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