Saturday, November 15, 2008

Its so easy to do when everyone is watching

This looks like a football post but it's not really.Read the tags below if you doubt me. Please read on. Josh Morgan is a wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers. Take a look at him here which is about the one minute mark and tell me if you see what I see. Right after he catches the ball.Video does not take long . Less than ninety seconds.

Yes he makes the sign of the cross. It brought me back to the early 80's watching football with my dad on TV. Somebody made a similar gesture after a score. I'm sure if any of my siblings are reading this they will be surprised I can't name the player, the teams playing or the date it happened. Well I can't. I just remember the gesture.

My dad at the time appreciated the player that did that. I can't remember the adjective he used. Now here is something else I can't remember. If I told him at the time or I just thought to myself. My thought at the time and it's the same twenty plus years later: it's so easy to do when everybody is watching. But it would impress me more if he did it when no one was watching.

Yes I am from the school that you should be sincere in your actions and in your beliefs that you don't have to wear them on your sleeve. So easy to do when everybody is watching. But better to do it on your own when there is no Public Relations factor. At least that's my point of view.

If you want to spin it the other way, it may be fair to say that Josh is trying to impress to all the youngsters and some oldsters that it's ok to give thanks to the Lord in a football game. That it's cool. Maybe Josh believes that. I will never know.

When we played softball in a Catholic league. I never prayed for victory. There really are better things to pray for. Like no one gets injured. Bobby Knight who as far as I know is an atheist says "God does not care about sports. And if he did would he care about a team I am coaching".


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