Saturday, November 29, 2008

Its Been Ten Years

Hard to believe that it has been ten years since this game came out. I was reminded of that fact in a show I normally to called Radio Free Nintendo. In it my normally cynical on air friends went back in time to what made this game a true landmark for anyone who calls themselves a fan of videogames. I admit, it took me a few months to get my copy since I was occupied by what in my eyes back then was an excellent title in it's own right Turok 2. Anyway I finished Zelda Ocarina of Time once (absorbed me for at least two months) and I have started it several times since. I last played it seriously last year till other titles came in. Listening to the lads describe it I feel like picking it up again. No matter what anyone says I truly appreciated the N64. The game is currently housed in my Wii and I have a feeling I will return to it soon. I recommend this to anybody who plays videogames unless you are of the type who will seldom stray from the Madden/ Basketball/ Halo genres. Right Quito?

Ed ( podcast playing tribute to ten year anniversary ) ( perfect review)

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