Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Birthday Dedication to A Loyal Reader
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Borg How Star Trek Relates to My Life and Maybe Yours

It does not matter what side of the political fence you are on. The Borg is used to convey total domination
The Borg How Star Trek Relates to My Life Trust me, before you turn on the nerd alert, I have a point. The Borg in Star Trek are this race that really do not exist as individuals but as a collective.
" This collective consciousness is experienced by the Borg as "thousands" of voices — they are collectively aware, but not aware of themselves as separate individuals. Consequently, they never speak in singular pronouns, referring to themselves when required as merely "Third of Five," for instance."
' the Collective considered the species' will in the matter "irrelevant".'
In the show, they assimilate other beings into their collective. These beings once absorbed lose all their individual characteristics and just are part of the collective. The Borg's motto is "Resistance is Futile!" So basically there is this group that is more identifiable as a group than as individuals. Then they absorb an individual who loses their original identity and is now thinking like the absorbing group. They have lost the ability to think for themselves. Not really the stuff of science fiction if you can think of a situation this has happened. I am witness to this happening. Have you seen it? Yes folks. This is personal and it may have happened to you. You may have seen a loved one lose their ability for independent thought, lose their humanity. All the while that absorbing group just laughs and mocks as if to say "you never had a chance, he/ she belongs to us now. " Resistance is Futile indeed.
Blog Note: for another of my stories where movies imitates my personal life, click here.
Dog Ate Manny Pacquaio's Homework -Audio Blog

“Manny Pacquiao makes a lot of money for a lot of people. This is an issue that people don’t address because there is too much money to be made.” When discussions turned to how rumors that linked Pacquiao with drugs had started because of the way the pound-for-pound king had retained his power while climbing through the weight divisions, Malignaggi said: “I think it is pretty obvious. Paulie Malignaggi
“Major League Baseball knew that more home runs equaled more fans,” said Malignaggi. “Boxing knows Manny Pacquiao destroying bigger guys is a phenomenon. But it is too good to be true, like all those home runs were.
“So it is all covered up and it won’t be addressed.”
Paulie Malignaggi- Explains where Floyd Mayweather is coming from.
- Whispers throughout boxing that Manny is on performance enhancing drugs.Suspicions
- What real sports journalists think of Manny excuses (give you a hint, laughter)
- They confirm amount of blood to be taken.
- Religious beliefs??
- Hurt his reputation?
- Why blood test is better than urine? (current test is only urine);_ylt=Amv0yrERUxCsv71yzy.Rbwk5nYcB?slug=ro-pacpaulie122609&prov=yhoo&type=lgns;_ylt=ApFtnYYNarRm2Ub5GnoTipM5nYcB?slug=ki-pacquiaomayweather122509&prov=yhoo&type=lgns
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I am Surprised I Am Not Bald

I figured, get a haircut before the holiday season gets really hectic. And also do some stuff tonight. I need to present a gift tomorrow for our secret Santa thing at the office , then indulge in one of my favorite solitary dinners: The Steakhouse Burger in Burger King. I also owe anybody who looks below my knees during the week a new pair of shoes.
Why am I telling you this? I got in the barber chair at 6:30. I know it's 6:30 because my sister called while I was on the chair but before the cutting began. I stepped out of the barber shop at about 7:55. My goodness there are movies shorter than that. I was not at some fancy women's salon. This was a barber shop. Oh I miss the old days when I could go in a barber shop and get my haircut by a guy named Tony who could talk sports. Football, hockey, baseball.
Bottom line : there should be a disclaimer if you are getting your hair cut that it would take longer than if you went to the grocery bought ingredients then cooked and ate your dinner. No wonder they said Merry Christmas to me on the way out. It took that long.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Why Would Anyone Want Manny Pacquiao's Advice?

Pacman has no advice for Charlie Weis.
Hulk Hogan Suicide Attempt In His Own Voice

I was never a big wrestling fan. Still there was always something about the Hulkster. from the first time I saw him in Rocky III. I did not enjoy the in-authenticity of wrestling. But that is why you might enjoy this audio piece I have provided for you. Audio is in Multiply. If you are like me, this may be the first time you will hear a macho professional wrestler vulnerable. Because what happened him could happen to any of us. You might say its an act. But give it a listen then decide if its an act or not.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Analysis of Tweet Contradiction of Sending 30000 Troops
No man's a jester playing Shakespeare Round your throne room floor While the juggler's act is danced upon The crown that you once wore The king is dead, the king is dead The king is dead, the king is dead Long live the king
Elton John The King Must Die
Most of you remember this joke.
When Kruschev took office, he found in his desk two envelopes. The were titled: "For the First Emergency" and "For the Second Emergency". When he had his first political crisis Nikita opened the first envelope. Inside it a letter said: "Condemn your predecessor." Then Kruschev began his famous condemnation of the excesses and murders of Stalin. He blamed Stalin for everything and it got him through the crisis. The next time there was a national crisis, Kruschev went back to the desk. When he opened the second envelope, the letter said: "Prepare two envelopes."
Read more:
I don't know if its right or wrong (Additional troops) . What I do know is that it's different from what Obama promised when he won the slot to represent the Democrats and it's different from what he promised in his presidential campaign in 2008.
It was Jeffrey that reminded me that his stance on the Iraq War was what differentiated him with Hillary Clinton. Yes I know this war is a bit different. But make no mistake about it, it's Obama's war now. Let me elaborate on that. One thing we human beings of all cultures should know by now and do not is campaigning is really self evaluation. It's all about projecting what is there and making illusions of what is not there or hiding what is there. If we all live by a simple rule don't tell me what you are going to do but show me what you have done, Obama would have never been elected. So if you read the dilemma in the Nightline story It's easy to say he is being hypocritical. For me, he just has a better viewpoint of what he once criticized. You see, Obama seduced voters by his charm and his rhetoric and not by his deeds. Instead of accounts of past deeds. He has had no history of getting anything done. What is of course beautiful is that history of none achievement was intact when the Nobel Peace Prize was designated to him. What many do not realize is that "Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1 "
Ask yourself what date did he take over the White House? What did he accomplish before Jan 2009 to deserve the prize? Many win elections. Many who win elections are crooks. Barack was too busy writing books than actually doing deeds worthy of being written about in books. Barack was too busy writing books than actually living life and getting perspective. Hillary Clinton was for the war and Barack was against it. Differentiation. The thing is she was there for the Kosovo. Rwanda and Bosnia conflicts. She was there in the sense that she saw her husband agonize over the reality of his decisions. Obama just took the ideal made popular by Culture Club (War War Stupid).
You may have heard the saying " be careful what you wish for, you may get it. "Now that Obama has had to deal with this and weigh out all sides, he finds himself acting hawk when he was talking dove in the campaign. As a member of the Illinois State Senate in the earlier part of this decade all he did was stay neutral on most issues. "In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator." So this Obama based on his record before he joined the US Senate ( not his books) was neither Fire nor Ice but lukewarm water. Who knows maybe prolonged exposure to troops and people who respresent the troops erased some of that idealism and replaced it with some practicality? The Clintons went through their hippie protest stage and you may check the record yourself if from 1992- 2000 if they ran the White House like they were at Woodstock. To further illustrate the difference between idealist Obama and the current Obama I'd like to quote from one of my favorite movies.
"Things may appear simple in the cubicle at CIA, but in the middle of the Atlantic with
Soviet warships bearing down on us, they get more complex." (Hunt For Red October 1990)
In other words, back seat driver is the easiest job in the world.
If you are reading this blog, you know what the campaign was like. Obama was supposed to be the one with fresh ideas. It was change we can believe in. Nobel Peace Prize then troop escalation. Maybe even Obama realizes that idealism and rhetoric sometimes have to give way to reality. Ed
Friday, December 11, 2009
Not All Self Help Authors Are Created Equal
The Secret is a well known book because it was endorsed by the contemporary king maker, Oprah. To be fair, Mr. Ray was not the primary author of the book but a contributor at large.
So it was to my true surprise that he was involved in the tragedy you will see you in the video.
The video I attached really only gives the former staff worker's side of the story but nowhere does Ray bother to give his side. You may see the links below, that none of them seem to portray James Ray as someone who cares about people under his care or clearing his own name.
Generic disclaimer: If you are viewing this post in Livejournal, Blogspot , Email or Dan Patrick/ CNNSI and you can not find videos or audio or files or pics . Please go here and look for corresponding date of this post. Thank you
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Enron Will Open In New York.............
as a musical. I know what you are thinking how ridiculous. But one thing I learned 12 years ago is that with the right talent, anything can be turned into a Broadway musical. I was so charmed to go to New York in the first place. But while we were there in May of 1997 saw three musicals: Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum with Whoppi Goldberg and Nathan Lane, a live action Lion King and Titanic the Musical.
There were some of us in the group that cracked jokes about the chorus being "we're drowning". Call me weird ( and I know y'all do anyway) but I enjoyed Titanic. And I was not the only one. I remember the number before they set off from port and the optimism and excitement of the maiden voyage and felt the tragedy. I wonder why I never hunted the soundtrack for it. If you look at the date this was half a year before the movie of the same name came out.

I also got a kick that one of the cast members answered the question whatever happened to Steve Rhodes from Married with Children.
He played J. Bruce Ismay.
This is what J.Bruce looked like in the movie you all probably saw.
Yes I was a big MWC fan back in the late 80s.
My only point here is that something may seem ridiculous on paper but it can turn out quite good. Or the other moral is I just wanted to talk about musicals, New York City and Married with Children. Not necessarily in that order.
Technical note: CNN audio of this news is attachment in Multiply.
Related links:
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Way of the Goose

Trust me folks, I have a lot left to post from what I hope is practical to the wacky. I appreciate each and every one of you reading . What follows below is by no means original but a great concept that we can apply to our families and organizations. You can follow the links provided. I hope you have not seen it before or at least get something new out of it this time around.
The Way of the Goose: 5 Leadership Lessonsby Ron Pereira on April 21st, 2009.
We humans can learn a lot from geese. Yes, that’s right, geese.
In fact, in 1991 Angeles Arrien gave a speech called “Lessons from Geese” that was largely based on the work of Milton Olson.
What follows is my take on the story.
Lesson 1: Fly Together
It’s truly a marvelous site to see a group of geese flying together in perfect V formation. Research has shown that as each goose flaps its wings an intense uplift is created for the birds behind them. Further studies state that this “teamwork” adds 71% more flying range compared to a goose flying on its own.
Moral of the Story: Partnerships and teamwork rule the day. The days of the Lone Ranger are long gone (bad example, as even the Long Ranger had Tonto but you know what I mean). If you surround yourself with excellent people you’re far more likely to succeed than if you attempt to go at it alone.
Lesson 2: Stay in formation
If you’ve ever watched geese fly, you’ve likely seen one fall out of formation. And when this happens the fallen away goose begins to struggle mightily until it manages to fight its way back into formation.
Moral of the Story: Once you’ve established a good team stay together and work together. Sure, times will get tough and you may become annoyed with one another from time to time… but synergy cannot be created by a single person working in isolation.
Lesson 3: Rotate
While flying in V formation the lead goose eventually tires and rotates to the back of the pack to re-charge their battery while another goose takes its place at the front.
Moral of Story: It’s important to share the load amongst team members. It’s also important to ensure that all workers are cross trained and able to perform multiple tasks. As an aside, we recently added a skill matrix module to the Gemba Academy School of Lean that deals with this very situation.
Lesson 4: Honk
While it’s not always possible to hear from the ground, geese are a noisy bunch when flying in V formation. There are several theories of why this is. One theory is the geese honk to encourage each other… while another theory hypothesizes the honking is used to communicate where each goose is. You know, hurry up pal (honk, honk) I’m right on your feathers.
Moral of the Story: No matter the reason for goose honking, it goes without saying that we should always communicate with one another offering encouragement as needed. We should also have ways to communicate when something is not right. This can be likened to the way lean companies “pull the andon cord” when a problem arises.
Lesson 5: Leave no Goose Behind
Whenever a goose becomes unable to fly (becomes sick, gets a bullet in the belly, etc.) two other geese fall out of formation and stay with their fallen comrade until the impaired goose is able to fly or dies.
Moral of the Story: The best teams I’ve ever been on were made of people who genuinely cared for each other and would always help each other out no matter the situation. It seems geese figured this out a long time ago.
Any others?
Do you agree with these lessons? If you are an expert in geese please feel free to share other examples or lessons we can learn from our feathered friends.
1. We achieve more together: geese always fly in formation. By flying in a V formation a flock has 71% greater range than if a bird flew solo.
2. Stay in formation: whenever a goose falls out of formation, if feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front.
3. Choose the right leader for the circumstances: when the lead goose gets tired it rotates back into formation and another goose flies at the point position.
4. Stand by your friends and colleagues: when a goose becomes ill or wounded, two geese move out of formation and follow it down to protect it. When the goose recovers the trio fly in formation to rejoin the flock.
5. Provide encouragement: the geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
My Attempt at a Reality Blog Tiger and Brad Pitt Related

Yesterday I did something I rarely do. I placed a bet. My uncle (pictured above) bet with me 500 bucks that Nike will distance themselves from Tiger Woods by the first week of January 2010.

I win if the status quo prevails.

He wins if Nike drops Tiger the way Brad Pitt dropped Jennifer Aniston.
As you all know, my thoughts on the topic are here.
Here are some other links to recent related stories.
I will be updating the progress of this wager in my main blog. Win or lose I hope this makes for compelling blogging.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Plays of the Month You Shook Me All Night Long
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Two Tiger Thoughts
1) Price for being Tiger, if this was Stuart Appleby crashing his car by himself into a tree no one would care not even Mrs. Appleby.
With great fame and great endorsement deals comes great scrutiny. TMZ and National Enquirer could care less about Rich Beem . Sorry but all this comes with the fame you worked for.
2) Electronic Arts better known as EA Sports Its in the game . New mode for Tiger Woods 2011.
In the game you can pick Elle Nordgren Woods as a woman with a golf club. You automatically can buy any accessory you want to outfit yourself instead of earning it by playing tournaments.

But most importantly you can only use your club on the windows of a Cadillac Escalade.