Montana Fishburne made a pornographic video. Reason she is giving is so she can get "exposure”so she will be a more viable actress. I am sure what else you get when you film yourself doing what is mostly an intimate act. She claims Kim Kardashian inspired her. Some people get inspired by Abraham Lincoln or Mother Teresa or Kobe Bryant. No law against getting inspired by Kim Kardashian. There is no law against diving into a swimming pool filled with double-edged razor blades either. If this is true that she is using the dirty movie as a short cut to being a bankable actress, you may ask yourself why would she find that logical? There are some factors to look at:

a) She was born in 1991.
The younger kids don’t know anything about library cards, microfiche, stamps, shelves full of records. They are so used to instant gratification. Life is different from school. Life gives you the test first then the lesson later. She wants the destination and not the journey. She is too young to have the skills that come with paying your dues .

b) The Dennis Miller Theory.
Dennis Miller talked about Hollywood and the fact that the years of paying your dues working menial jobs while learning your craft and going to audition after audition weeds out the unworthy. The success is a by-product of your faith, courage, perseverance and enthusiasm. You can’t tell me Montana has those four qualities. She is trying to compensate for those four qualities with a porn video. Imagine the example she will set if she is successful? It’s like someone winning an election for President of a country not by reminding people of what he has done but by reminding people who his parents were. What kind of example would that set? Wait, that did happen?

c) Her dad.
You have to understand I have watched Apocalypse Now more times than should be legal. One of my friends years ago, I think it was Diane Currie who said “The only thing more screwed up than Apocalypse Now is Hearts of Darkness (the making of Apocalypse Now). Her father lied about his age (he was 14 but claimed to be 17) to be in that movie. OK so the role immortalized him for me even if he never was Morpheus. But at what cost? Can you remember when you were 14? I was not a perfect boy but I know that I would be even more screwed up if Dennis Hopper got me hooked on heroine. The sins of the father can be the sins of the daughter.
To get anywhere you simply have to pay your dues. You only know Jack Nicholson for his A List parts but look at all the B movies he did to develop himself into a bankable star.
Kevin Spacey is another extremely skilled actor who I am sure none of you recognized before the mid nineties. But check out all the obscure the roles he did for a decade before that. Looking at that list I regret not following the Vancouver filmed Wiseguy now. Montana Fishburne is 19 now and wants instant fame. Kevin Spacey is 51 now. How old was he when you first started noticing his movies? Bottom line on the young Ms. Fishburne. It seems to me she is looking for a short cut. She does not want to pay her dues. For some she may indeed be signing a deal with the devil.
Now is where you hear every cliché in the book. It’s not the destination it’s the journey. Experience is a name you give your mistakes. A long time ago I toiled with a company called Primerica Financial Services. I made little money. I drove for miles and miles all over the Lower Mainland of British Columbia only to go to dark houses at times. I don’t regret having gone that path. If anything it changed my habits and taught me how to learn about self-improvement and finance. It gave me the habits of reading and listening to all kinds of non-fiction authors.
But what does this have to do with yesterday August 5th 2010? It was my experience in investments that gave me the confidence to apply to La Salle’s Graduate School of Business for their Masters in Business Administration program. Yesterday was the final hoop before the degree. I had to convince three professors that I was MBA material in what is known as the Oral Comprehensive Exam (OCE). I was two hours away. This was my moment, where destiny calls me. This was my moment when fate took my hand. And I laid an egg. Notice I did not say anything about a conspiracy theory against psycho bloggers . It was all on me. The error is assigned to the third baseman Ed Lopez. A call I heard a few times in my softball days.
This was the view from the office where I took my test. I know what you guys are thinking. Charles Durning in Hudsucker Proxy.
The thing is, it’s a temporary setback. I was asked fair questions. Enough of my replies were sub standard. I did work hard for that moment but not well enough to cover what my panel wanted to see. There came a point where I even thought to myself that I would have not passed me. I am at peace with the verdict and I am determined for a better outcome before the year is done. When I worked at Primerica Financial Services, many things I heard there stuck with me. One of them was that promotions are not there for the sake of being promoted. Promotions are not there for the sake of the title you earn. Promotions are there for what they will make of you while you are trying to earn them. Last night I realized with my performance I have not earned the Master’s Degree. I already paid the price of deferring my prize by a few months. Might as well get what I can with the price I paid. I sat there and wanted to hear where I screwed up. My panel was not intimidating at all. They were trying to help me. Sometimes hard things to realize while you are in the middle of your own failure. But I had to avoid being a hypocrite since I wrote this piece on failure.
By not being as ready as I could be, I was attempting to be like Montana Fishburne. I wanted the title but not be the person the title is supposed to make me. If I was, I would have managed the questions. I want you to rejoice when there are times you realize that it’s your fault. Why? Because your thoughts and actions are two of the things in this world that you have the most control over. Thanks for deciding to read this.
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