So with this last collection of my old "tweets" from Multiply, we are closer to bidding farewell to the old site. Forgive the lack of effort to format. I did find what seems to be a reasonable Multiply substitute. You can access my page here. I enjoyed reading my old spontaneous thoughts and hope you can get something our of this. Don't forget to catch me at Get Real Philippines. Where I give my lament to Multipy.
One of the many things I suck in is IPhone Scrabble. But I enjoy my time playing with my 3 regular opponents. Even if they beat me frequently. Today I added a 4th. Someone with a degree from Yale and a Masters in Journalism Apr 16, '11 10:27 AM
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Note Found out that someone I was classmates with from Grade 1 to 7 died tonight. We have not spoken since the mid 80s because of the physical distance and somehow we never reconnected back here. I am still saddened. You are in better place. Apr 16, '11 2:05 AM
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Note Barry Bonds today was found guilty on only count out of 4. I was really on a hung jury before. No it was not a Chippendales type act. Apr 14, '11 7:41 AM
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Note I prefer when Hayden Panettiere discussed football like she was John Madden in this movie Apr 14, '11 7:07 AM
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Note One of my players has 42 GB of music or about 6500 songs. No Rihanna or Britney or Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber or Fireworks. Draw your own conclusions. Apr 14, '11 6:57 AM
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Note I just want to make one thing clear right now: Go Canucks Go !!! Apr 13, '11 6:40 AM
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Note Reality shows are as authentic as professional wrestling . Apr 12, '11 6:46 PM
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Note For those of you flag waving over Jason Day calm down: 1. ESPN lists him as Australian. 2. You are just proving Doc Albert correct. See #19 Apr 11, '11 7:52 PM
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Note "You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours." -- Yogi Berra Apr 11, '11 7:45 AM
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Note Decision on Barry Bonds case could come the same day the World Series flag is hoisted in San Fran. Apr 8, '11 6:43 AM
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Note What's the point of suspending Willing Willie if the audience looks for that kind of dreck regardless of suspension? We just have to accept that mass media in the Philippines is programing for idiots provided by morons. Apr 6, '11 8:46 PM
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Note Nun With Beer Apr 5, '11 3:27 PM
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Note Another year, another March madness is almost over. Wrote this last year: Apr 4, '11 7:26 AM
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Note Revival is a euphemism for not having enough talent to write a song good enough to get you noticed. Mar 30, '11 7:14 AM
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Note Classic Filipino retail oxymoron: "Mayroon pero out of stock." Mar 29, '11 7:49 AM
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Note Too bad about Nick Charles, he used to be in CNN beside Dan Patrick;_ylt=Am0pnppnIoFKUlYYCUg_uZY5nYcB?slug=ki-iole_charles_fights_the_good_fight032411 Mar 25, '11 6:43 AM
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Note RIP Elizabeth Taylor . Loved you in Giant . Mar 23, '11 9:09 PM
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Note I am praying for Steve Sabol. Mar 22, '11 6:53 AM
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Note James Cameron's greatest achievement as a director is making Tom Arnold appealing. Mar 21, '11 2:33 AM
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Note In some jail, Karen Sypher is smiling . Mar 18, '11 6:51 AM
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Note Happy Mother's Day to my mom! Even if you won't read this since you are technophobic. Love you ! May 7, '11 10:11 PM
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Note I am praying for Seve Ballesteros May 7, '11 9:12 AM
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Note Historic video games May 6, '11 7:09 AM
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Note Is it just me but when I take a leak in the office men's room that I prefer not to be visible in any way shape or form from the hallway? May 3, '11 7:47 AM
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Note Total hypocrites= who have not picked up a comic in 15 years but first in line to Thor, Batman , Ironman Apr 30, '11 12:41 PM
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Note Who cares about the Royal Wedding? All I care about is the 2nd round of the NFL Draft. Apr 29, '11 7:37 PM
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Note Filipinos deep inside can relate to royalty. A system where somebody who serves no function beyond symbolism is popular . You don't believe me? Look at our president. Apr 28, '11 11:20 PM
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Note Canucks in two hours and twenty minutes the puck will drop. They will either advance to the next round or they will accomplish one of the most epic chokeramas in the history of sports. #chokerama Apr 27, '11 7:43 AM
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Note Judge Susan R. Nelson!!!! Apr 26, '11 6:48 AM
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Note Canucks benching #1 goalie does not smell Stanley Cup to me. Apr 25, '11 8:16 AM
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Note twitter claims my gf @crissyname is similar to Juliana Palermo. No comment. Just saying . Apr 23, '11 11:12 PM
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Note Bailey says "Do you want to watch Yogi Bear with me?" how can I refuse . Dont remember him being such a klepto in the cartoon though. Apr 23, '11 9:10 AM
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Note Arnel Pineda referred to as a faux singer by Bob Lefsetz Apr 23, '11 12:17 AM
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Note In Starbucks Bacolod . Apr 22, '11 4:44 PM
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Note At Around 1am tonight. I was lost here in Santa Clara, Bacolod. Pitch black in spots. But since I was listening to Scott Van Pelt show, I was never alone. I asked directions twice to what I thought were people and I made it home. Apr 22, '11 2:22 AM
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Note Ay ka nami gid, ari ko diri subong. Ka nami gid na pamati sang Ilonggo. Apr 21, '11 7:03 PM
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Note Wednesday last week I had to read in a mass of about 50 family and friends. It just happened to be the reading where I had to say Nebuchadnezzar about seven times. Apr 20, '11 7:45 AM
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Note Bought my first Kindle book today. In honor of the verdict this week. Apr 16, '11 10:00 PM
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Note Great finish in Vancouver. Mad rush by Chicago but they could not tie. Blackhawks 2 losses away from giving up Stanley Cup . Apr 16, '11 12:34 PM
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Note Turn on TV and Canucks are on live. 30 secs later they score and its 3-1 Vancouver end of 2nd period . Apr 16, '11 11:47 AM
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New Note
Note We have overtime. Good news : exciting nothing like it. Bad news: I am not as young as I used to be so this could be last tweet. Jun 5, '11 10:43 AM
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Note Sorry Canucks I cursed you. I turn on the game and one minute later the Bruins broke tie 2-1 Jun 5, '11 9:39 AM
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Note Jack Kervorkian is dead. Not sure who picked up the assist there. Jun 3, '11 9:36 PM
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Note I can't find anybody in the office to discuss this Jim Tressel issue. May 31, '11 9:03 AM
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Note Here in an Internet cafe trying to get work done. Porker sits on seat behind me reeking of cigarette smoke. Should I turn around and tell him nicotine sucks? May 26, '11 7:39 PM
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Note Canucks will be facing a non New York Team in the final. Translation : book the riot in Robson Street. May 25, '11 10:04 PM
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Note Composer of You Light Up My Life kills himself . Funny, thats what I felt like doing after hearing that song about 20 times. May 23, '11 7:20 PM
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Note I firmly believe that Dominique Strauss-Kahn would have assaulted whoever entered that room. Even if it was a guy. May 18, '11 8:57 PM
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Note Rapper dies from drive by shooting . Like that hasn't happened before . May 17, '11 12:46 AM
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Note I can't believe it's time for the Republicans to start running candidates for the next presidential election. May 16, '11 7:08 AM
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Note If this happened in Philippines . Guaranteed cover up: May 15, '11 3:38 PM
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Note People who have treated like you like dirt are good for something. They can teach you empathy and how your own actions may be received by others so you don't end up doing the same thing. May 15, '11 12:35 PM
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Note Speaking of scary watch a guy be authentically spooked. May 14, '11 9:30 AM
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Note I am going to change my Twitter photo to one of me just like Serena Williams. In the words of Jerry Maguire, "who's coming with me?" May 14, '11 9:15 AM
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Note Hangover 2 is set in Bangkok. Bet you there is a Crying Game type scene in it. May 12, '11 10:30 PM
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Note All you Pinoys jumping on Paris Hilton Bandwagon. Don't forget to bring cocaine. May 11, '11 6:51 AM
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Note That was not me throwing flowers on stage at Bieber concert tonight. I merely carried them in. May 11, '11 12:03 AM
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Note If memory serves the Vancouver Canucks are 2-0 in the conference finals. May 10, '11 10:06 PM
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Note Fight is over and those yellow gloves really took a bite out of hunger May 8, '11 1:00 PM
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Note Today many people will be transfixed into a screen with the belief that with every landed punch our country gets better. How disillusioned they are. May 8, '11 11:00 AM
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New Note
Note Knew this guy since before high school. Last 3 times I saw him he did not introduce me to his actress/ game show hosting wife. So today I did not even approach him. To quote Hans Gruber, there will not be a four. Jul 2, '11 6:36 PM
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Note When the NBA gets locked out, the Philippines will believe that the whole world will be devoid of team sports. Jun 30, '11 7:42 AM
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Note Los Angeles Dodgers presently experiencing karma. They made deal with the devil incarnate Scott Boras and his spoiled brat minion Manny Ramirez back in 2008. Jun 29, '11 7:45 AM
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Note With all the self inflicted turmoil happening with the Los Angeles Dodgers, I bet Tommy Lasorda is turning over in his grave. What? He's not dead yet? Jun 28, '11 8:13 PM
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Note I am in class starving. To add to my misery, the case study is Krispy Kreme. Jun 27, '11 8:48 PM
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Note My Internet is down so I tweeted @skyserves they answered in 5 minutes. I am using my broadband pre paid Sun. Kudos to both.m Jun 25, '11 12:03 PM
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Note With all these interviews involving the NBA draft, I really hate the phrase "score the basketball". What else would you score? At least on the court. Jun 24, '11 8:23 PM
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Note Anybody else in Facebook land get somebody else's notifications in their inbox? Jun 20, '11 9:01 AM
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Note Clarence Clemons died today Jun 19, '11 11:12 AM
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Note I am posting on dining room with 15 family members here. Using mobile router. Must be really addicted to the Net. Jun 18, '11 2:07 PM
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Note For all of you concerned about my mom who is in downtown Vancouver. She is safely in her place even if she did go to dinner outside before the riot started. Jun 16, '11 1:11 PM
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Note Today (Tues Manila time) I extremely enjoyed my dose of ESPN Radio and the Dan Patrick show. Jun 15, '11 12:12 AM
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Note Lebron James overnight turned basketball into pro wrestling in terms of marketing. Funny how he is shocked by the results. Jun 14, '11 7:46 AM
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Note Is this the first day I have to compete with cars coming from San Agustin just to get out of the village? Jun 13, '11 7:17 AM
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Note Nothing that begins with lambanog ever ends up good. Jun 12, '11 8:55 PM
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Note Guaranteed there's a bunch of guys so proud to be PINOY because of this- Filipino expected to be named world's shortest man at about 24 inches: Jun 11, '11 10:31 PM
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Note Does anyone play Trooper's Raise A Little Hell in public anywhere outside of Canada? Jun 11, '11 11:07 AM
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Note I can not recommend this book enough. If you are into raising a family, solid values, sincerity, teaching, overcoming tough times and a relationship with God. The Kindle version only $3. Jun 10, '11 7:34 AM
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Note I told Crissy the Canucks lost 4-0 and she told me sorry. I told her, she shouldn't be sorry. It's the team who should apologize to me. Jun 9, '11 9:10 PM
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Note Great OT goal. What hustle. 11 seconds in and did not even win faceoff. Jun 5, '11 11:00 AM
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New Note
Note I am glad Rowan Atkinson survived car crash but why does the cynic in me immediately think about the fact he has an upcoming movie? Aug 5, '11 7:00 PM
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Note What a phenomenal sports day for the city of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia, Penn. Jul 30, '11 12:24 PM
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Note Why don't you make this the custom ring tone when I call you? Jul 27, '11 10:39 PM
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Note How to explain Brett Favre to a Filipino in two words: Kris Aquino. Jul 26, '11 1:29 PM
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Note Congratulations Noynoy. Your first full term SONA matched your campaign in terms of substance and rhetoric. At least you are consistent. Jul 25, '11 10:52 PM
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Note Reality check for Pinoy Basketball Fans. Regardless of the outcome of the games with NBA players. For the pinoys this is the thrill of their lives. The NBA players are on paid vacation. So please no chest beating later. Jul 23, '11 11:48 AM
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Note Just bought the wedding gift for Tuesday. Hope the couple enjoys that extra large bag of Skittles. Jul 21, '11 9:10 PM
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Note After almost ten years of daily travel down Pasay Road I saw something for the first time today. A Jeepney driver actually getting ticketed. That should happen every 30 seconds. Jul 18, '11 7:01 PM
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Note Soccer is now huge in the US;_ylt=AvNrsSuFt5PQ2OGyg_D8CNw5nYcB?urn=sow-370132 Jul 17, '11 11:32 AM
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Note If it was up to me, the Harry Potter movies should have never been made. That way those who don't read books would be in a place where they usually are. Ignorance. Jul 16, '11 9:30 AM
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Note Maybe esoteric but listening tonight to Dire Straits Walk of Life brought me back to Nat Bailey Stadium. Sniff. Jul 14, '11 9:47 PM
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Note Headline reads: How Hayden Kho proposed to Dr. Vicki Belo. My guess "with our baggage , who would take either of us?" Jul 12, '11 10:21 PM
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Note Pacman arrested for disorderly conduct. Yahoo sports -;_ylt=ArltefrkP9knh1fUimbM.sc5nYcB?slug=ap-bengals-pacmanarrested Jul 11, '11 8:55 PM
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Note Only ordered dinner now. Was in line at KFC but I could not take the shrieking girls in line with me. They had to be really annoying to make me forgo food. Jul 9, '11 11:20 PM
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Note There's my my 15 year old nephew and there's me here in Baguio. One wants to teach the other Beer Pong. Guess which? Jul 9, '11 11:39 AM
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Note Movie in bus is My Amnesia Girl. Can I get amnesia to spare myself? Jul 6, '11 8:39 PM
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Note I may be alone in this, but I don't recall the Srilankans being a significant player in the world football scene. If the bar is set to just beat anybody in your home turf then knock yourselves out. Jul 3, '11 5:04 PM
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Note ESPN's Freddie Coleman and J.Coachman discuss the NBA lockout and how irrelevant it is compared to the NFL lockout in the eyes of the fans. Plus what the new NBA reality might be. Jul 3, '11 4:19 PM
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Note Like Jake, I am also not taking responsibility for Andi's baby. Jul 3, '11 11:05 AM
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New Note
Note Noy 's real reaction to Shalani engagement " Oh no!!! Roman is no longer eligible !" Sep 16, '11 9:58 AM
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Note For Edward and Bella's wedding. My gift would be boxed sets of Blade and Buffy. Sep 15, '11 10:22 AM
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Note Shalani getting engaged so quickly may have nothing to do with my previous story but it might. Sep 14, '11 9:27 PM
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Note Face it. The hoax Oprah post worked because Pinoys rather emo than think. I said yesterday NBC news will not cover a pageant unless a bomb exploded on stage like in Ms Congeniality . Sep 14, '11 6:52 PM
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Note Cab driver suprised me yesterday by saying ride again. Sep 13, '11 6:46 AM
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Note Tom Rees you are my idol. D please don't choke. Sep 11, '11 11:33 AM
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Note Notre Dame. You are choking !!! Sep 11, '11 11:12 AM
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Note With everybody posting every location they are at including home. I am sure George Orwell did not envision us helping Big Brother with his job so willingly. Sep 10, '11 5:00 PM
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Note Really cool today that I got to explain a little bit about college football to @crissyname Sep 4, '11 6:49 PM
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Note How come none of the investigations into the Vancouver riots mention the fact that the place is a hot bed of liberalism and left wing zealots whose primary occupation is protesting? Sep 3, '11 11:11 AM
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Note YEAH! Football that counts on TV. Even if it's a BCS team against a cream puff. Sep 3, '11 10:44 AM
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Note Pinoys love to vote and campaign for all things pinoy online. If the vote for 7 wonders of the world included the Pasig River, there would still be an intense campaign to vote for it. Vote Pinoy Internationally! Regardless of Quality! Sep 2, '11 7:01 PM
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Note 17 years ago I shook the hand of @alyankovic , my hand has never been washed since. I brought about 8 CDs thnking he might sign two of them and he signed them all. Aug 25, '11 10:54 PM
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Note Ace Hardware Greenbelt, I bought two appliances from you today. How do you repay me? Making me listen to 3 GLEE songs. #Thehorror Aug 24, '11 8:52 PM
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Note A twelve year old just told me that I am old but that I don't look old. Aug 23, '11 9:59 PM
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Note Shows you how out of touch Noynoy is wanting to meet Paris. And of course pinoys gaga over her. Aug 22, '11 6:44 AM
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Note Deep Thought: It's indisputable that Voltes V was most powerful as one big machine. Was there ever any real reason why they first showed up on the scene as 5 separate pieces? Then have to volt in in the middle of the battle and the song playing and everything? Aug 21, '11 8:49 PM
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Note Back on Friday Keegan Bradley had 3000 Twitter followers. Then he won the US Open and that number is now 25,000. Aug 16, '11 7:24 AM
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Note Ringtone for Mike and Mikey Arroyo. And its all yours. Aug 11, '11 10:52 PM
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Note Truly dumb question: "Do you think you’re still as attractive to men as you certainly were before?"
New Note
Note The Rangers get on the board with a solo home run and they played on the PA in Arlington one of the most stirring compositions and arrangements ever. Oct 23, '11 9:40 AM
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Note To quote Apu, today I returned to the site of my spiritual depantsing. Oct 22, '11 6:40 PM
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Note World Series starts Friday our time and no Yankees. Oct 19, '11 10:21 AM
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Note On a day that IRL lost Dan Wheldon, I also choose to remember Maple Ridge's Greg Moore who perished 12 years ago. Oct 17, '11 11:30 PM
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Note Anybody who thinks I have nothing to leave the world when I am gone obviously has not seen my CD collection. Oct 16, '11 12:16 PM
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Note Hypocrisy of Wall Street protestors . Oct 14, '11 9:02 AM
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Note Do you know people in your social network that give themselves excessively complimentary handles/ nicknames? Comedy is where you find it. Oct 10, '11 8:26 PM
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Note Cute move at the ballpark in Arlington . They removed the tarp off the turf and song playing was " The Stripper" Oct 9, '11 10:01 AM
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Note If old music, movies , comics and tv shows are so uncool then why are they always being ripped off by people today who lack inspiration and imagination? Oct 5, '11 8:28 PM
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Note I don't like people yelling. I don't like people yelling in the morning. I don't like people yelling in the morning in enclosed spaces. I swear I am alone in the world. Oct 5, '11 7:42 AM
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Note I found an old Colombo episode on VHS. I guess they are all old. Converting it to .avi. Long live the spirit of Peter Falk!! Oct 2, '11 12:12 PM
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Note Watching Florida against Alabama. Not as close as I would like but its still a top tier SEC game. College football, nothing like it. Anywhere. Oct 2, '11 10:30 AM
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Note So much for the Tampa Bay Rays being emotionally spent. Oct 1, '11 9:28 AM
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Note I just found out my latest follower @PhilippineRehab. Should I be concerned ? Sep 26, '11 12:15 AM
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Note Oh 1979. When Skylab was falling. And people got so anxious. Even as kid I knew the world was 75% water and Skylab was 1/3 the size of my room. Sep 24, '11 10:41 AM
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Note The loudest, most obese person I know changed her first name in FB to "Pretty". Where is a barf bag when you need one? Sep 24, '11 10:27 AM
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Note The only 2 women in this country who I know who might be able to appreciate Moneyball are @crissyname @banoochiwoochie .The rest don't watch. If you do, then don't complain. The book is great. Sep 22, '11 11:49 PM
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Note I may give love a bad name but Bon Jovi sure gives music a bad name. Sep 22, '11 7:38 AM
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Note When I woke up this morning I really wanted someone to address society's planking problem. #lawmakers Sep 20, '11 7:42 PM
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Note Bus conductor going home tonight. Sounded like a Pinoy Wolfman Jack.
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Note Chris Mannix of Sports Illustrated insists on Dan Patrick Show that every ringside reporter scored a Manny loss against JMM audio: Nov 18, '11 6:46 AM
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Note Close but no cigar. Well, next year. #sexiestmanalive Nov 17, '11 9:21 PM
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Note I bet I was the only here listening to an Andy Gibb song this morning. Nov 16, '11 1:12 PM
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Note To all the myopic NBA fans I see. Unless there is a dramatic turnaround. I suggest learning to appreciate the NFL. Then something good might come out of this lockout situation for you. Nov 15, '11 7:27 AM
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Note Penn State. You should have been playing for the victims eight years ago. Then there would have been less. That is what many don't get Nov 13, '11 12:10 PM
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Note Tricky doing paperwork for a disciplinary office memo when two of the offenders are about 2 feet from my post. Nov 11, '11 12:53 PM
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Note 45 People in my office and I am the only one here concerned about if Joe Paterno will be vacating his position at Penn State. Nov 9, '11 6:05 PM
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Note For all these groups chanting "Justice for Michael! " Your idol was addicted to dangerous drugs and took a lot of them. I hardly see injustice there. Nov 8, '11 7:02 AM
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Note Kim Kardashian type wedding card Nov 8, '11 1:45 AM
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Note One more thing about Miss World: the object is not who is the most articulate or accomplished or is a contributer to their community. The prerequisite is that you fit a certain bathing suit type. Otherwise no entry to contest. Not sure why Filipinos put so much stock in the contest and the outcome. #shallow #superficial #nodepth # nolife #novalues #howshallow Nov 7, '11 8:43 PM
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Note For all the people chest beating about Ms.World. I can't tell you which country won it last year. The whole exercise is shallow and devoid of substance. But to each their own. Even shallow and devoid of substance. Nov 7, '11 2:37 PM
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Note To be fair to Joe Paterno, he was 76 when the locker room incident happened. When was the last time a 76 year old followed up anything? Nov 7, '11 2:20 PM
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Note RIP to someone who influenced my writing style Andy Rooney. Nov 5, '11 11:16 PM
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Note I hate it when on a rainy day somebody asks to use my umbrella to go home without even asking if I intended on using it. Oh yeah, nickname is Einstein. Nov 3, '11 7:45 PM
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Note Kim ! Kris!!! No !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nov 1, '11 12:33 AM
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Note Huh? Rick Sutcliffe commentating on MLB International coverage of World Series talking about fans and wondering how much they spent on film and flashbulbs, Oct 29, '11 10:43 AM
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Note Unexpected fact: NFL players do not wear protective cups. Compromise speed . Source Tim Green - Dark Side of the Game Oct 27, '11 11:10 PM
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Note CNN reporting Amy Winehouse died of alcohol posoining. Don't step on my jaw that is on the floor. I am as shocked as Captain Renault that there was gambling in his casino. Oct 26, '11 8:57 PM
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Note Hard to believe we now have a baby in the house. Oct 26, '11 7:42 AM
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Note I may not sleep tonight contemplating the injustice that Andy Sidaris has never ONCE been nominated for an Oscar. Oct 25, '11 1:27 AM
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New Note
Note Accidentally wearing white socks at work #greasedlightninggogreasedlightning Dec 27, '11 10:27 AM
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Note Javy Garcia, you are missed. This was us. Dec 22, '11 7:42 AM
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Note Not that I deserve anything but if you are stuck for a Christmas present for me, one year subscription to the Kris Aquino magazine will make me ecstatic. #christmasgiftsfromhell Dec 20, '11 7:42 PM
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Note Kim Jong II's replacement? Tim Tebow. Dec 19, '11 5:11 PM
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Note It will take a lot to get to Tebow time from here. Like parting the Red Sea. Dec 19, '11 7:49 AM
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Note Maybe it's just me but when I hear The Enter The Dragon Theme in the shower I want to punch a hole in the wall during the yells. Dec 11, '11 8:48 AM
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Note If you have no idea how to put your cell phone on silent mode, you have no business taking it to a funeral. Dec 7, '11 4:01 PM
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Note My 5 year old nephew asked me on Saturday "Who is your husband?" He knows me better than most. Dec 6, '11 6:39 AM
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Note The Azkals are a national team. The Galaxy are just one team from a country where soccer is at best the 5th most important team sport. The Galaxy are also on vacation after winning their championship and they still housed the Azkals. Good thing they can be marketed as good looking because they sure are not great. Dec 4, '11 5:33 PM
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Note Working on my video tribute to James Dean. Although it can be tedious, Elizabeth Taylor in some scenes makes you forget that. Dec 4, '11 10:58 AM
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Note You know me by now. Classic espíritu de contradicción Dec 3, '11 9:39 AM
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Note Herman Cain's candidacy is being hurt by all these women coming out. Don't you find it weird in the Philippines that the same thing just enhanced the popularity of Erap in 98 and 2010. What does it say about us? Dec 1, '11 7:00 AM
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Note How am I expected to hand in a major paper tomorrow when this KC/ Piolo issue is on my head like 400 pound anvil? Nov 27, '11 9:17 PM
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Note I am thankful that despite living in a nation of basketball zombies I can DVR 3 NFL games while I am at work. Nov 26, '11 12:49 PM
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Note Since it's Black Friday you might as well hear the only good song about it. Nov 25, '11 12:43 PM
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Note To all my Vancouver Vancouver friends (yes both of you) . Hope you have power and the winds die down. Stay safe. Nov 22, '11 9:27 PM
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Note Pinoys rather forward in the name of hysteria than research in the name of logic. Which totally explains the 2010 Elections Nov 21, '11 12:09 AM
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Note Googled validity of Pinoy circulated rumor that Facebook will cut off Filipinos. Of course it only shows up on Pinoy blogs. KSP is forever. Nov 20, '11 9:17 PM
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Note Two types of guys watching Breaking Dawn: 1) husbands/ boyfriends dragged by the short hairs. 2) Team Jacob/ Team Edward type guys. There is no type 3 right? As in enjoy the movie because it's good? Nov 20, '11 9:33 AM
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Note On the way here saw a guy outside his parked car, door open blaring Pinoy hip hop and smoking a cig. At that moment I never wished so hard not to be me and to be him. #classy #dignified Nov 18, '11 6:56 PM
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New Note
Note As usual, the best answer to excessive chest beating and flag waving is perpective many of us lack. Jan 23, '12 10:15 AM
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Note Hey Kris. 1) Don't match your dorky brother with that woman. It won't work because a) she has a common law husband b) she lives in another country c) she actually works. Unlike your lazy brother Jan 20, '12 8:42 PM
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Note Rick Perry ended his presidential campaign Thursday and throws his support behind Renato Corona. Jan 20, '12 6:40 AM
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Note End of an Era: Kodak filing for Chap 11 bankruptcy. Used their film cameras in my youth. My first digital camera was also made by Kodak. Jan 20, '12 1:01 AM
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Note Easy for the palace to say GMA was a failure as a president. Just so happens their guy at 51 years old was not a failure at anything nor was he a success at anything Jan 18, '12 7:42 AM
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Note oh, I am glad DVR was still rolling when that skirmish broke out Jan 15, '12 12:19 PM
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Note 15 years ago, this guy was the inspiration for "Jerry Maguire" #freefallin #comeback Jan 13, '12 7:40 PM
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Note In the last nine months I have been to Bacolod, Baguio and Boracay. Heaven forbid I go to a place that doesn't begin with "B. Jan 9, '12 10:42 PM
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Note Hotel clerk: Sir , sorry your room has been ransacked. Me: no need to be sorry, this was all my doing. Jan 8, '12 9:22 AM
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Note Ladies and gentlemen from the Kalibo airport. Tim Tebow! Jan 7, '12 3:43 PM
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Note Complaint #2. two fat guys riding the pump boat. Sit at the front of the boat and giving you about 4 inches to walk between . #hiinfathiiniq Jan 7, '12 3:24 PM
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Note Been here in Boracay 3 days and am glad I am able to default to locals in Ilonggo. I think at some level it helps. Jan 6, '12 4:08 PM
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Note It's more fun in the Philippines ? Yeah right Jan 6, '12 3:12 PM
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Note I swear our stewardess on the flight was named Brook Shields Modeiz. #readonnametag Jan 4, '12 3:22 PM
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Note One minute walk from my hotel. Jan 4, '12 3:01 PM
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Note Complaint #1 people who are seated in your specific airplane seat and are shocked when you show them your boarding pass #illiterate Jan 4, '12 10:42 AM
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Note 2012 wishes: 1. Smokers do not share smoke with non smokers. 2. Smokers then smoke 3x more so #1 is less of a problem. Jan 3, '12 12:34 PM
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Note The Bourne film will shoot a chase in Edsa. The jeepney and bus drivers will not notice the difference. Jan 2, '12 2:36 PM
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Note You know that I find a little girl really cute when she asks all the Justin Bieber questions she wants and I am not remotely annoyed. Jan 2, '12 9:05 AM
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Note Just saw a man with his son in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Maybe I will see something dumber the rest of the year but the bar is now set high. Dec 29, '11 8:26 AM
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New Note
Note The Daytona 500 today described in one song:!/edrlopez/statuses/174418271481765888 Feb 28, '12 10:27 PM
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Note The thing is, it dawned on me I have not seen last years Oscar winners and nominees. Ask @crissyname. Feb 27, '12 12:51 PM
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Note A pre election piece I did on the lack of leadership expectation projected by Noynoy campaign. You tell me if its true two years later. Feb 23, '12 12:08 AM
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Note There is an alternate dimension where they run this perverse contest in that dimension's equivalent of the Philippines. A 52 year old socially awkward man wins a be president for a day contest and gets to do whatever he wants. Oddly enough their results are very similar to our reality now. Feb 20, '12 7:27 PM
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Note Objectively speaking. I believe my Tagalog would be torture for anyone who is capable of understanding my English. Yet I have found for some people it's a guilty pleasure. Or something as exotic and illegal as a baby elephant's tusk. Feb 19, '12 7:17 PM
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Note Do you think there will come a day when Jeremy Lin will be even more of a global icon than Jeremy Ron? Feb 17, '12 1:04 AM
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Note Noynoy 's Valentine Schedule Feb 15, '12 7:17 AM
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Note If anybody in the house asks why I am home tonight my answer will be "I did have a date but he cancelled . " Feb 14, '12 6:21 PM
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Note I am going into work today, dressed as Cupid with this song playing to make my grand entrance. Feb 14, '12 7:27 AM
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Note Less than two weeks ago you first heard Grace Lee was dating Noynoy. Now she is mentioning the "M" word. Do you really take this at face vale? #publicitystune #redherring Feb 13, '12 11:12 PM
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Note Today at the office for once, I can go up to random people and belt out "Aaand I eyaih , will always love youuuuuuuu!!!!". And not get that usual look of derision. Feb 13, '12 12:55 PM
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Note True Story: Office mate today "Hey buntis!". Me : "Yes??" Feb 8, '12 1:00 PM
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Note It seems to me that everyone posting about Madonna's performance yesterday in Facebook could not tell you what a fair catch was. You all know that the Super Bowl is ultimately about a game and Madonna was not the main attraction. Feb 7, '12 6:55 AM
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Note I won't be watching the Super Bowl live this year but this is my post from last year's game. Feb 6, '12 7:50 AM
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Note Grace Lee and Noynoy. Just in case you are taking it at face value. Feb 3, '12 10:34 PM
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Note Dress code meeting today. I should have realized that coming in on casual Fridays wearing a halter top would be the tipping point. Feb 2, '12 9:31 PM
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Note Pedro Calungsod will be the second Filipino that will be canonized. I intend to be the third. Feb 2, '12 7:41 AM
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Note Now I am sad. Jan 27, '12 7:38 AM
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Note Am I too paranoid? I was convinced today for a couple of seconds that one of the biggest people I know was going to eat one of the smallest people I know. Jan 26, '12 12:58 AM
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Note “I tell the kids who come here to play, enjoy yourselves. There’s so much besides football. Art, history, literature, politics.” Joe Paterno Jan 23, '12 3:06 PM
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New Note
Note The Nation Will Be Noynoying For The Next Five Days #Trueheadlineswewontsee Apr 4, '12 7:07 PM
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Note I am here preserving 23 year old David Letterman clips and I have to be honest . They are still so good. I don't even feel like going on bathroom break. Apr 1, '12 10:10 PM
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Note Great game this Ohio State Kansas. On now Apr 1, '12 11:02 AM
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Note Another pinoy politician accused of a crime but eludes the justice system #leadership #civilization #example #politics #crook #respect #beliefincountry Mar 30, '12 10:30 PM
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Note It just dawned on me it has been 22 years since Total Recall. Now that makes me feel old. "The reactor makes air!" Mar 29, '12 6:27 AM
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Note If tonight is really Pat Summit's last game. That will truly be sad. Mar 27, '12 7:24 AM
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Note For those of you who will not even consider watching old movies. By your logic 80s James Bond movies totally superior to 60s Bond movies. Right? Mar 24, '12 11:56 AM
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Note And I eyaih , will always love coke . Mar 23, '12 6:42 AM
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Note I just got the weirdest vision: Noynoy serenading Grace Lee with How Deep Is Your Love "We're just livin' in a world of fools/ breakin us down/ and they won't let us be... " Mar 23, '12 12:17 AM
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Note Did something wild tonight. I bought something in 7-11, ate it and threw the 7-11 bag in a Ministop garbage can. Hope no one caught me on camera. Mar 21, '12 11:40 PM
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Note Back in 1982 I heard David Pratt editorialize about people who hogged the tennis courts in Stanley Park and the Canucks unlikely run to the finals. Met him in 1984. Now in 2012 I am driving down Makati Avenue and I listen to him talk about the viability of the Phoenix Coyotes. Maybe it's only cool to me. But it's cool. Mar 15, '12 11:02 PM
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Note The Dolphins should trade for Tim Tebow. Give up 5 loaves and two fish. Mar 13, '12 9:51 PM
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Note I turned in my cel phone for the next 18 hours. So if I don't text you or reply to your texts. You will know why. Alcoholics Anonymous sure has changed. Mar 10, '12 9:34 PM
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Note I have been listening to ESPN Radio for 6 years solid now. Its always amazing how the NFL off season can sometimes preempt basketball which is in it's stretch run and baseball which is in spring training. Like they are not there when a big NFL story hits. Mar 9, '12 7:43 AM
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Note It has been so long since I first listened to Led Zeppelin. Listened to them on cassette, vinyl, CD and mp3 . I bet I will still listen to them in future media. Mar 5, '12 6:45 PM
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Note Is it wrong to fantasize to get beat up by Ronda Rousey? #googleexercise #wronggrammar Mar 3, '12 5:01 PM
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Note I have had 8 Monkees songs in my IPod since November #idontjumponbandwagonscauseofdeath Mar 3, '12 7:41 AM
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Note Just woke up and first time I ever recall settling the bill in a dream. Mar 2, '12 6:32 AM
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Note When somebody is on trial the only criteria you should look at is guilt or innocence. Who cares if you are of the same faith or nationality or culture? Victims of crimes transcend your myopic prejudices. So don't go blindly throwing your support because of perceived similarities. Feb 29, '12 10:42 PM
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Note It's hard to listen to this song and not be saddened by the loss five years ago of Dan Fogelberg. Feb 29, '12 7:48 AM
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New Note
Note If anyone needs proof that I belong in an asylum, just show the court that I voluntarily share the road with the taxi and jeepney drivers of this city. No sane person would even consider that. Jun 8, '12 7:14 PM
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Note Noynoy in UK - of course it's more fun in the Philippines. A guy like me gets to be president. Yee Haa ! Jun 7, '12 10:20 AM
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Note It's been 22 years. Why did Stevie Ray Vaughan have to die? Jun 6, '12 7:37 AM
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Note Doing usual morning stuff and playing air guitar to a Def Leppard instrumental. May 29, '12 7:49 AM
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Note I thought the whole idea of a vote was to give you a choice and make up your own mind. If your choice is presumed what does that say about the exercise?? The manifestation of Filipino voting prowess currently sits in Malacanang. Choice based on offspring not merit. You know what they say about family? You can't pick your family. Enuff said. May 23, '12 12:36 PM
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Note " I finally died which started the whole world living" Actual lyrics from one of the few Bee Gees songs that Robin Gibb sings lead. May 22, '12 10:57 PM
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Note Tonight I went to a wake on my own for someone who I only had one conversation with total. She had that much of an impact on me. I wish I could somehow I can have that impact on a few when my time is done. God bless you all. May 21, '12 12:09 AM
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Note I was in middle of a Chuck Norris / Delta Force type dream then my Lola wakes me up cause there is no cook. Anybody else ever get those? May 13, '12 7:54 AM
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Note “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw May 7, '12 11:38 PM
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Note Once again Noynoy flexes his authoritay : May 7, '12 9:21 PM
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Note Alternate take on the real meaning of Top Gun. May 6, '12 10:42 AM
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Note I might be alone in this but Beastie Boys were the beginning of the end. Actually Sugar Hill Gang was. May 5, '12 8:29 AM
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Note I will trust Hugh Hefner with my female relatives before I trust a pinoy with an online ballot to be objective . May 4, '12 6:35 AM
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Note Somebody explain to me people who are too cool for comics but sprint to watch a movie based on a 50 year old comic? Apr 29, '12 11:51 AM
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Note Today , I finally watched a nominee for best picture. Not even for 2011 but 2010. Apr 21, '12 7:47 PM
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Note I want to thank Dick Clark for introducing me to a life long love: Apr 19, '12 7:10 AM
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Note Killed 77 People in "self defense"? He is literally pleading insanity Apr 16, '12 7:49 PM
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Note The question is , will Olbermann soon sue Dan Patrick? Apr 11, '12 6:44 AM
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Note Bobby Petrino not having a good time. Atlanta Falcons fans, you deserve to gloat. Apr 6, '12 11:42 AM
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Note Put on DVD of Jesus of Nazareth. Turns out there are guest stars. Does that mean there is a Season 2 ?
New Note
Note Tonight I had a teenager bug me three times a minute for an iPhone. I thought that privilege was reserved for people who actually had kids. Nov 6, '12 10:37 PM
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Note Listening to Mel Torme as I get ready. Slightly better equipped to face Monday now. Sep 17, '12 7:49 AM
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Note Tonight being in class ends my streak of Friday nights meeting with writer types in a nice resto in Greenbelt. Sep 7, '12 8:40 PM
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Note On Sat? A 99 year old man who was not a relative told me he remembered me. Still mind blowing. On different levels. Sep 5, '12 7:46 AM
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Note RIP to a man i actually bumped into once 13 years ago. Jul 25, '12 7:03 AM
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Note In the next four years PSU community. Let's see if you are really Penn State. Jul 23, '12 10:45 PM
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Note Why are classes cancelled during the SONA? Isn't it bad enough that the President is unproductive? Jul 23, '12 7:29 AM
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Note Out of nowhere this song got me air guitaring, air drumming everything short of jumping up and down at 11 PM and it's sung by a woman Jul 22, '12 11:19 PM
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Note There is a first time for everything. Tonight on the bus a nice young man offered me his seat. I declined but thanked him for the kind gesture. Jul 17, '12 10:45 PM
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Note RIP DR. Steven Covey. All my trainees may recall I use his book in our company orientation. Here is me using him in a blog. Jul 17, '12 6:33 AM
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Note Joe Paterno = Angelo Reyes? Who the heck out there would get that? Jul 12, '12 11:34 PM
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Note Why when there is talk of making things up pinoys are mentioned as behind it? New York Times article on dying newspapers trying unethically to stay relevant. Jul 9, '12 9:49 PM
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Note Twenty years ago I watched Spinal Tap and The Tragically Hip in concert. #rock&rollforever Jul 2, '12 6:58 AM
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Note I thought I read somewhere Tom Cruise/ Katie Holmes are breaking up. #sarcasm #overkill Jun 30, '12 8:38 PM
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Note Here at family lunch . If you are ever around me at meal time and I go into a bodily function story. Just shoot me. Jun 23, '12 1:26 PM
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Note Who cares about the NBA Finals? I just want Sandusky to fry.;_ylt=Ascf_9fPnfu4_sf9uhxqweA5nYcB Jun 22, '12 6:57 AM
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Note It's impossible to explain the concept of a perfect game (in baseball) to people who only watch basketball. Jun 14, '12 12:51 PM
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Note I know why Manny lost. The judge picked a lousy song for him. Should have been "Sometimes When We Touch". Jun 13, '12 12:32 PM
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Note I am sure some people will excuse the Jessica anthem with "they picked a bad song for her." Jun 10, '12 12:55 PM
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Note Anybody else watching Boston / Miami and can constantly hear that one woman screaming? Jun 10, '12 10:54 AM
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Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Rep. Jasmine Crockett Had 'Police Escort'
Through Halls of Congress
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) claimed that she saw Rep. Jasmine
Crockett (D-TX) with a "Capitol Police escort" walking through the U.S.
Capitol buil...
5 hours ago