Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yahoo 360 Preservation Part 2 My semi Deep Thought

Did this almost 4 years ago. Since Yahoo will delete the old blog, allow me to preserve this in my multiply/ blogspot/ livejournal.

Entry for October 08, 2005 plus an actual thought
Entry for October 08, 2005 plus an actual thought magnify
My thought for the day.

What is the profession where you try to distract your audience from what you really are and you pretend you are somebody else? You make them believe you are somebody else. In essence you hide what you really are.

You could have said politician , you could have said thespian. But wouldn't those qualities be a liability for someone who was a public servant?? I don't know this place just keeps electing them and putting their trust in them.

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Saturday October 8, 2005 - 08:29am (PDT) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments

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