Friday, August 23, 2024

CSA in the 70s through the lens of my dad

 I went to CSA from grade 1 to grade 6 always in section C . I enjoyed the reunion in July more than I thought possible . Thanks to Mon Dayrit and Joel Arcenas for getting me to the reunion in the first place . I spent grade 7 in Southridge with Adrian Hernandez , Manoli , Tonton Mapa among other CSA transplants . High school and undergraduate in Canada . Masters in DSLU Manila . Been planning to share these pics for a while . I will add more to this album when I find more . Thanks to my dad who is a shutterbug and my mom’s organizational skills with the albums for 7 kids . If there is anyway I can contact people like Rene Khan, Albert Medalle, Edgardo Katipunan etc that would be cool . Events include our first communion in 1974 and Cub Scout kerchief ceremony I think . 


Eduardo Pertiera on the left 

With Philip Hagedorn extreme right 

Mrs Agraviador of 2C SY 1974-75 . Her daughter Michelle who was in grade 1 and an “ angel “ for our First Communion who probably had the good sense not to be fond of me.

The late Adrian Hernandez visible here.