Mike Arroyo won't be forced to attend probe
02/11/2009 | 01:20 PM
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MANILA, Philippines - Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile will not force First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo to appear in Thursday's hearing on the alleged collusion of construction firms to rig bids for World Bank-sponsored projects in the Philippines.
"As far as the appearance of the First Gentleman, I'm not saying this simply because of Mr. Mike Arroyo," Enrile told reporters on Wednesday. "We have to at least give due respect to the fact that the gentleman is the First Gentleman of the country."
Enrile said that should Mr. Arroyo decide to attend the hearing, he would be given every courtesy entitled to him.
"If he is able enough physically to come then it would be better if he would come. I would assume that he would be given every courtesy in the Senate if he appears," Enrile said.
On the other hand, the Senate leader said he would defer to the opinion of Mr. Arroyo's doctors whether they would allow him to be present in the hearing.
"Given the fact that he has undergone a major operation, I will have to defer to the opinion of his doctors. I'm no doctor to evaluate his physical condition whether he could carry the emotional stresses of appearing in a congressional hearing," Enrile said.
He cited that different people have different thresholds of stress.
"I don't know whether his blood pressure is 120 over 70, but if his blood pressure is more than that, it is dangerous also to put him under heavy stress. It must depend upon the advice and opinion of his doctors," Enrile said.
Asked if playing golf reduces stress, Enrile answered, "Yes. I'm telling you. I'm a golfer. You lose all consciousness about the world if you are a real golfer... when you play golf. So in effect it is a therapy for stress."
Enrile, however, declined to answer if he thought it would be better for Mr. Arroyo to play golf than attend the Senate hearing.
In an exclusive interview with GMA News on Tuesday, Mr. Arroyo denied any involvement in allegations of bribery and collusion that have marred the World Bank-sponsored road projects.
In the same interview, Mr. Arroyo said it would be up to his doctors to decide whether he would be fit to attend the Senate hearing. - GMANews.TV
"Golf Rage" Aftermath Leaves One Man In Hospital, One In Jail, And One Getting Mouthy
By Clay Travis, 1:30 PM on Tue Jul 22 2008, 6,397 views
Just think, this happened on a Seattle golf course. There's probably not a safer place to be in America. Slow play was the initial instigator of the six iron assault by Nicholas Shampine, 33. We quicklinked this story last week but new details have emerged today thanks to the intrepid reporting of Seattle columnist Jim Moore.
The victim, James Compton, complained about the slow play of Shampine's group in front of them and eventually the tiff escalated to the point where the victim's party made noises while the group in front of them attempted to tee off. It all came to a head on the 15th tee when Nicholas Shampine blindsided Compton with a six iron to the side of the head. Nicholas Shampine is now contrite. Probably because he faces several months in jail. His brother, Greg Shampine, not so much. Per the Seattle newspaper:
"The guy didn't deserve to be put in the hospital and didn't deserve to almost be killed," Greg Shampine said. "But he did deserve to get his (behind) kicked because he was asking for it. It was not as one-sided of an assault as it's been made to sound. ... You mess with the bull, you get the horns."
Or you mess with the bull, you get the six iron. One or the other.
Golf rage incident extremely stupid {Seattlepi.com]
Read More: Golf rage, golf
Golf Rage" on the Rise According to Article Published in the New York State Bar Journal
For more information contact:
Brad Carr
Director, Media Services Department
(518) 487-5530
October 22, 2004
ALBANY – Teed off golfers are increasingly letting their frustrations get out of control, leading to a new phenomenon – “golf rage” – according to an article in the October issue of the New York State Bar Journal, which is published by the New York State Bar Association.
Robert D. Lang, a New York attorney (D’Amato & Lynch) and author of the article, “Teed Off: The Rise in Golf Rage And Resulting Legal Liability,” writes that: “Part of the reason for golf rage is the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the course. In addition, new golfers, although anxious to play, may not be educated in proper golf etiquette, giving rise to improper actions on the golf course by other golfers already hot under the collar from their own problems.”
The article reviews several golf rage cases and notes that criminal sentences have ranged from community service and fines to felony charges. In one case, the defendant, the member of a foursome, was moving slowly ahead of a group of three other players. After his group finished their round, the defendant drove on to the golf course to retrieve his seven-iron, which he had left at the 17th fairway. On his way back, the defendant yelled something to a member of the threesome, resulting in a poor shot. A fist fight later broke out when the two players ran into each other in the parking lot, during which the defendant pulled out a gun. He was charged with a felony count of pointing a firearm and misdemeanor battery charge. However, at trial, the jury found the defendant not guilty, apparently rejecting the state’s allegations that the defendant instigated the fight.
In another case, Lang explains, a group of three young players were playing behind a 50-year-old man and his 11-year-old son. The twosome was playing slowly. Frustrated at waiting, the threesome overtook the father and son, taunting the father, who then allegedly ran at the trio enraged. When the three golfers struck back in self-defense, the father was killed.
Lang also points out that not all victims are human.
In a celebrated case involving a New York golfer, the defendant was having a bad day on the links and used his titanium driver to club to death a rare black swan, “Alex,” who unfortunately waddled too close to the golfer at the 17th hole at Donald Trump’s exclusive Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla. When approached by “Alex,” the golfer, rather than taking a drop and using another ball, or saying, “You’re fired!,” struck the swan, killing it with one swing of his driver. The golfer was charged with a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail and $5,000 fine. Instead of going to trial, he plea bargained for 30 hours of community service, a $2,500 contribution to an animal rescue league and $800 reimbursement to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.
Lang advises golfers to fulfill their obligation to adhere to the customary etiquette honor code, resisting any impulse to vent their rage on other golfers, thereby avoiding criminal and civil liability.
The Journal is the scholarly and research publication of the 72,000-member New York State Bar Association.
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