Monday, March 25, 2019

What Dream World Are You Living In Where Politicians Tell The Truth

I was reading this.

Here is my response to a troll there.

But you are the same guy who advocates:

a) a former presidential wanna be who name drops a a lame political family in the backdrop of the one of the worse storms in Philippine history
b) You favor a political party that loves to photo opp Muslims and born again Christians in a Catholic mass.
c) You favor a former president who loves to deceive the public with red herring dates with beauty contestants during his time in office just to obfuscate the fact that both feet are firmly in the closet
d) you favor Mr. Whip It Good who favors your political political party of choice by intentionally changing code to alter the VP race
e) Aforementioned V.P. of choice did not tell the truth about her affair with someone who likely has a wife
f) You favor a detained Senator who lied about getting driven by her driver without a car and there are even videos to prove it.

Yet you : 1) come down hard on Sara Duterte saying politicians lie when the ones you so brazenly shill for lie left and right and can’t even come out of the closet. 2) You are loyal to the yellows and not your country. The yellows who can’t tell the truth and kept their relevance by cheating the FIlipino of their vote.

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