Sunday, May 16, 2010

They Ask Me Why I Teach

The picture above is of my class that I was honored to teach last Thursday. I admitted to them something I have not said to maybe 80 or so previous classes (many of them in my Facebook group now) . I told them that the teaching was my favorite part of my job.

In a previous lifetime, OK so it was the mid nineties I embraced teaching. Not in a traditional classroom sense but combining teaching with sales. I loved Primerica Financial Services and their approach of taking an educational approach to selling financial approach. Many principles I learned there affect me today. We were taught to sell yourself. The company was us. You built trust by authentically caring who was sitting in front of you . You built trust by caring enough to educate them. Do it properly and the sale will be academic.

Unfortunately I was not able to sell enough to sustain a long term career but I always kept what I learned in terms of finance, attitude, sales, psychology and being competitive. It has not always manifested itself but I am working on it.

I took an educational approach whenever I was approached for interviews to explain the stock market. It may have been elementary to some but I wanted to explain to those who did not know.

Former NFL coaching great John Madden had an explanation why the superstar player is rarely a good coach. "The A student can rarely relate to the C student. " I can not back that up with a link, I heard it on an NFL broadcast he did. But it makes total sense. It's all about getting through to people. Jesus used parables, Socrates used questions. I got that from another teacher of mine Elfren Cruz. He also enjoyed teaching and has made an impact on more than my life I am sure.

The more you read great classic books like The One Minute Manager and The Seven Habits of Highly Effectively People. Not only are they teaching you themselves with the material in the book, they stress for you to fully understand you must share that knowledge with others.

Ultimately, I hope that is what I have been doing all along with this blog. I am blessed with a little bit of an audience of varying ages. I really hope every single one of you learns something everything you look here. Even in disagreement I hope you learn something. Even if all it is, is a different way of seeing the same thing.

John Wooden is one teacher who took his job seriously. I will mention him more in future blog entries. I first mentioned him here.

He truly felt blessed to be a teacher. He really took the job of teaching young men life through basketball seriously. Below I reproduced a poem that really spoke to him and has inspired him all these years. Called They Ask me Why I Teach. You may not have heard of it and I do hope it serves you well in appreciating teachers as well as sharing knowledge with those who you can share with. I will share much more of his wisdom, experience and insight in the coming weeks.

One day we will lose this beautiful man ( He will be 100 later this year) and everyone will jump on the bandwagon. I just want to say I appreciate him while he is here.


Happy 99th Birthday John Wooden! The Pyramid of Success

(A poem by Glennice Harmon)
They ask me why I teach
And I reply, "Where could I find more splendid company?"
There sits a statesman,
Strong, unbiased, wise,
Another later Webster
And there a doctor
Whose quick, steady hand
Can mend a bone or stem the lifeblood's flow.
A builder sits beside him --
Upward rise the arches of that church he builds wherein
That minister will speak the word of God,
And lead a stumbling soul to touch the Christ.

And all about
A lesser gathering
Of farmers, merchants, teachers,
Laborers, men
Who work and vote and build
And plan and pray into a great tomorrow.
And, I say,
"I may not see the church,
Or hear the word,
Or eat the food their hands will grow."
And yet -- I may.
And later I may say,
"I knew the lad, and he was strong,
Or weak, or kind, or proud
Or bold or gay.
I knew him once,
But then he was a boy."
They ask my why I teach and I reply,
"Where could I find more splendid company?"

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