Saturday, November 21, 2009

Distorting Sarah Palin- An Inquiry Into Research and Media Bias

"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."

- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

There is distortion on both sides. Although I am for the side Fox News has chosen, I really do not rely on them for any kind of news. Why? Because of the fact they have really chosen a side. As long as news is used to promote an overt agenda or the content in itself is manipulated to attract a certain audience then you can not really call yourself properly informed.

Just because it's a side I agree, does not make them exempt from relying on dirty tactics I will call out if I saw the other side do it. I call out people with double standards, best not create some of my own. I did a lot of research in university. You learn that eventually you are only good as the sources you use.

The good news is the Internet makes it so easy to research anything. The bad news is, not everything you see on the Internet is useful.

Fox News can say something but unless I can get a distinct second opinion and use that as my reference, the Fox fact will not see the light of day at least from me Something I learned a few years ago. If you have to lie to make your point, how good is your point?

Keith Olbermann and the rest of his ilk were so focused on using their medium (MSNBC) as an outlet for their hatred for George Bush I really doubt they every said one positive thing about his work at the White House.You see? You can't call what they are doing news. More like Marxist cheerleaders. They were not reporting on the presidency, they were doing their best to discredit to the point that they forgot one thing. Zohar said "If you wish to strengthen a lie, mix a little truth in with it." It's truly hard to believe someone who was elected and reelected to the White House has done nothing worthy of some token praise from the left.

Unfortunately Fox News in doing the same thing. But from the opposite bank of the river.

Although I do enjoy the fact Fox News annoys Obama. If Obama was truly fair then he would also try to dial back all these news networks that think of him as a messiah. But that is what he wants. Now with the Internet it is easier to find a multitude of viewpoints. Who knows you might find one that will tell you the truth.



For the second time in just over a week, Fox News is coming under fire for misusing old news footage. The latest flap is leading some people to charge that the cable news network is intentionally misleading its audience, while Fox claims a "production error."

Wednesday's incident occurred when Fox News host Gregg Jarrett mentioned that a Sarah Palin appearance and book signing in Grand Rapids, Michigan had a massive turnout. As footage rolled of a smiling and waving Palin amidst a throng of fans, Jarrett noted that the former Republican vice-presidential candidate is "continuing to draw huge crowds while she's promoting her brand-new book,'' adding that the images being shown were "some of the pictures just coming in to us.... The lines earlier had formed this morning."

However, the video used in the segment was from a 2008 McCain/Palin campaign rally. In response to the minor uproar that arose after clips of Jarrett's report hit the Internet, Fox senior vice-president of news Michael Clemente issued an initial statement saying, "This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video."

On Thursday afternoon, Fox News issued an on-air apology delivered by host Jane Skinner:

Yesterday we told you about Sarah Palin kicking off her book tour and then we spoke to Sean Hannity about an interview that he did with former Governor Palin. When introducing the segment we showed you footage of people lining up in Michigan for a book signing that evening. In the tease before the segment, the tease to commercial, we told you how those people were already lining up to meet Palin. The problem is we didn't show you the video we were actually referencing. Instead we mistakenly aired what's called "file tape" of Sarah Palin. We didn't mean to mislead anybody in that tease. It was a mistake, and for that we apologize.

The current mishap comes on the heels of a controversy sparked last week when footage from a conservative rally held over the summer was played on "Hannity" during a segment on a more recent rally. During the clip, host Sean Hannity marveled over the large turnout for a Washington, DC protest. The Daily Show later pointed out that there seemed to be some inconsistencies with the video shown on Hannity's show, namely that the atmospheric conditions seemed to vary from shot to shot. Hannity later apologized on the air for what he called "an inadvertent mistake."

Barely a week into Palin’s blitz to promote "Going Rogue," media coverage is becoming its own story. Fox News rival MSNBC caught heat last week for using altered images of Sarah Palin on the air, for which they later apologized. On Wednesday, Yahoo! News reported Newsweek’s defense of their latest controversial cover, which Palin herself blasted as "sexist."

-- Brett Michael Dykes is a contributor to the Yahoo! News Blog

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Technical note: Included in this post 1) The always opinionated and colorful Bruce Allen discusses Fox News. (one minute mp3) 2) Text from The Washington Post on Obama's war with Fox News. 3) Video of Newsweek's editor comparing Obama to a god or God I really can't tell which. (38 seconds) 4) Sarah Palin speaks out on Dennis Miller Show.

All available in Multiply

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