I am going to give you all full disclosure. Been writing about the life issue more than usual because I have a relative who in a drastic deficit of IQ tried to convince my ultra Catholic grandmother that the pro choice element was something she can be comfortable with ( in the context of the Catholic Church) . In a very liberal application of semantics he tried to 'reason' that pro choice is very different from pro abortion. I will try to be as eloquent as I can. Screw that! My relative is warped and drinking the Kool Aid. He / she can support whoever he/she wants in whatever cause but when he/ she twists the principles and doctrine of the Catholic Church to manipulate my grandmother to go along in his/her merry crusade I can not lie down and take this kindly.
You see in Apocalypse Now ,Colonel Kurtz took his orders from the jungle. My grandmother takes her orders from the Catholic Church , since that is her paradigm I just find it so bizarre my relative redefines arbitrarily the stance of the Church on pro choice issues.
It goes to show you that if you don't have enough ammunition for your case, fudge. His/ her case has all the foundation of jello hence his/her strategy of redefining the Catholic doctrine. Like I told my dad , it' s something out of George Orwell's Animal Farm. Where all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
I know my belief will fly in the face of some people's belief but then again that is what taking a stand is all about. Some people rather stand up for Obama than the unborn and again that is their choice so to speak. Anyway no matter what you ever heard about Rush Limbaugh please read the article below on face value. He associates human life with the analogy of a phone call and does to the phone call what our society does to embryos. Then he is totally shocked by people's reaction to the abusing of the phone calls!!! It's honesty like that , that has these pro choice liberals pissed off. In the interest of so called fairness not only do I have Rush attacking Obama's abortion stand in video form , I also have a link to one of those pro choice ultra Dems attacking Rush. Also take a look at the site that hosts such an attacker. Whatever the case read the caller abortion story. Shows you the stupidity I am facing.
ABORTING TELEPHONE CALLS INFURIATES ABORTION SUPPORTERS I recently finished reading Rush Limbaugh`s bestseller, entitled "The Way Things Ought To Be." Limbaugh, this arch-enemy of the American liberal establishment, is an immensely popular radio talkshow host who captures a much bigger audience than Larry King does on television. He is a no-hold-barred defender of life and a fierce adversary of the abortion industry which, he says, is the biggest in the U.S. in terms of net profits. With 1.6 million abortions a year at an estimated $300 each, he calculates abortionists reap about $480 million per year. Typical of his direct approach to abortion, he invites people to think about their feelings if they were to shake the hand of someone who was almost sucked out of her mother`s womb. To illustrate the moral tragedy of abortion and the absolute hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy which characterize the political correctness of the liberal mindset, he tells of a unique stunt he pulled on his pro-choice listeners in 1989 - a move he describes as the most controversial thing he has ever done. The episode in question, called "The Caller Abortion Program," sprang spontaneously in his mind during one of his daily shows. During a commercial break, he asked his technician to hunt up a vacuum-cleaner sound effect. "I`m going to abort calls," he explained to his startled assistant. "I can`t get rid of the ones I don`t want any other way. I promised the audience I wouldn`t hang up on them". They came up with a twelve-second sound of a vacuum cleaner turning on, roaring away, and then switching off. They then mixed that with a seven-second recording of a scream. But Limbaugh had some 'philosophical' questions. The first thing he needed to know was: When does a call begin? After all, he needed to know at what point it was unsafe for him, the host, to abort the caller. He wasn`t going to jeopardize his health or his life doing something like that. "So I called the phone company and finally got a scientist from New York Telephone on the line. I didn`t want to talk with anyone who had an emotional interest in this matter. I asked the scientist, Sir, when does a call begin? Does it begin when somebody answers? And what does a busy signal mean? These are serious questions. When does that little, unviable electronic pulse actually become a call? He told me that the phone company starts charging customers when someone picks up the phone. A call becomes a call when someone answers it." "But I was still uncomfortable. My assistant answers calls on my show. Sometimes he puts those calls on hold for minutes, during which they gestate out there before they hit the air. I had to know how long it takes a call to gestate to full term. We arbitrarily decided on twenty minutes. If the call was on hold for twenty minutes, we couldn`t abort it because it was then viable. "Some on my staff were horrified at my plan. Rush, they said, you shouldn`t abort a call. Put it up for adoption. Put it on hold. Let the next host adopt that call, leave it for someone else to take. I said I couldn`t do that. That poor call might be abused by the adoptive host and I shouldn`t be putting the call up for adoption, not knowing what was going to happen to it. No, I decided, I was going to abort the calls I didn`t want. I even convinced myself that caller abortions weren`t all that bad. Just think, we wouldn`t have a homeless problem if we aborted more people. "I got a lady volunteer. I told my listeners I was going to demonstrate what happens during a caller abortion. She began to talk, but was suddenly cut off by a loud whoosh with background sounds of a choked scream. And then there was silence. I paused for several seconds. Then I slowly leaned forward and asked the broadcast engineer the critical question: 'Jim, did we get it all?' From then on every time I got a call I didn`t like, I just hit that vacuum-cleaner button and sucked the caller off the air. I must have done about twenty caller abortions in two weeks. "Some got my message, but others protested vehemently and nastily. I eventually took it off the air, and this is what I told my listeners: .....I`ve been accused of insensitivity... What is the commotion about? What would you be bothered by? Nothing at all! None of what I did was real. Yet, in this country an abortion happens four thousand times a day. For real. The screams are real, the vacuum cleaner is real. There is real emotional distress. There is physical harm and there`s death. And you are calling a guy on the radio and telling him that he poses a threat to society? You`re telling him that he is cruel and heartless? "He`s harming no one. He`s just telling you what`s really going on in your neighborhood. He is forcing you to deal with the pain of thinking about the realities of real life abortion. We are so far removed from it that we don`t think of it in graphic terms. Perhaps if more people did consider the horrors of ending life, they would be much less persuaded by their arguments of convenience. To the extent that I may have heightened awareness out there, I believe I have done a service, regardless of how distasteful it may have been to some. "Where is the outrage against those who do it for real just down the street from where they live? It`s not there. They reserve it for calling a guy on the radio to complain about sounds he plays. I think some of them have their priorities mixed up. If you didn`t know in your heart of hearts that abortion was a savage, violent act, what I did wouldn`t have bugged you so much. I took you inside an abortion mill, and some of you couldn`t take it. You can`t handle it when it was only dramatized. Yet, you`re not bothered by abortion when it happens for real. Is there not a contradiction here? Think about it."
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