Jokes can say a lot about a society besides what it finds funny. It can say what it takes for granted. It can say what is not sacred. They can talk about current issues. Like below. I did not understand Senator Edwards joke so I had to look it up. Link immediately below. The 3AM joke is reference to negative ad Clinton put out to prove Obama not being worthy of big issues like national defence.
I transcribed the jokes below from ABC's This Week which I listen to on my Ipod weekly. Ed (edwards two Americas)
"Hillary Clinton's campaign right now, three million dollars in debt. So now when she gets that 3AM call, it's from a collection agency. "- David Letterman
"In a recent speech Barack Obama made a mistake, saying that he visited all 57 states. After hearing this Pres. Bush said ' Ha ha he forgot Alaska and Hawaii'". Conan O Brien
"Sen. John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama for Presisdent of the U.S. WOW! He is going to need more than two Americas to hide from Hillary Clinton "
"While he was in Israel President Bush launched a political attack on Barack Obamahe . I guess he attacked him over there so he does not have to attack them over here. "- Jay Leno
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