Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Desperate Hook Line SInker

Desperate Housewives controversy

1) Who the hell will base their perception on academic institutions on a throw away joke from a Sitcom? Ethnic/ Multicultural jokes have been around since the beginning of time. It may not be right but this is not an isolated case

2) More importantly , the more vehemently this is protested , the more attention this gets. If nobody made an issue out of it in the first place, then a tiny fraction of people would have even been aware something like that was said. Putting out fire with gasoline I say.

3) This contrived uproar is exactly what the execs wanted . In these days of the viscious fight for your attention (400 channels, Internet etc) anything drawing attention to their product on mainstream media is good . Worse of all, they have done this before.


1 comment:

  1. Who's more qualified ... a doctor trained in the Philippines or in Mexico?

    To me, if the doctor is 25-45, single, female, and great-looking - I would immediately start feeling better.
